Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

on chain for 
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are in Tab. 1. 
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“the TanDEM- 
urban DEM 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
a [ Mean Difference [m] | STD Difference [m] | Mean RMSE [m] | STD RMSE [m] | 
LiDAR Segmentation 4.536 4.334 8.205 4.249 
Common Segmentation 0.589 3.743 4.824 4.028 
Table 1: Operational Urban TanDEM-X Raw DEM Accuracy 
Volume Map TanDEM-X ) 
(LIDAR Segmentation 
lat [pix] 
0 100 200 300 
lon [pix] 
Figure 3: Volume map derived from TanDEM-X data using the 
LiDAR segmentation result. 
Difference Lidor-TanDEM-X (common). Mean: 0.589357[m] STO: 3.7432* 
Try T TET TT = 
Marin TC 
o EPIRI j Ay A 
mmm m 
clan dy 
diff [m] 
ilr " "n L i 1 CE 1 
100 200 300 400 
Building Number 
Figure 4: Buildings mean height difference between LiDAR and 
TanDEM-X using for LiDAR segmentation. The red and blue 
lines represent respectively the measured mean and the standard 
generation. The operational interferometric processing could be 
modified towards optimal solutions for the processing of metropoli- 
tan regions. The processing chain involves sequentially the spec- 
tral filtering, the coregistration, the interferogram generation and 
its multilooking, the phase unwrapping and the geocoding (Rossi 
et al., 2012). Besides the range spectral filtering and the phase 
unwrapping, which can be switched off depending on the scene 
configuration, this paper analyzes modifications to the coregistra- 
tion and multilooking stages. The modification to the geocoding 
stage are here not yet studied. 
3.1 Spectral Shift and Phase Unwrapping Stages 
The spectral shift stage could be switched off in case of pure ur- 
ban areas. The statistical base which justifies it, distributed scat- 
tering, is generally not valid for municipal zones. Generally, the 
geometrical configuration of the TanDEM-X mission is built to 
obtain a small gain from the filtering, of about the 396-596. This 
processing step can be thus enabled to obtain a small gain for 
mixed scene configuration (rural, urban). 
The phase unwrapping algorithm exploited in ITP is the Mini- 
mum Cost Flow (MCF). If the overall height variations of the 
scene are smaller than the height of ambiguity it could be in prin- 
ciple switched off. Considering the mission planning it is anyhow 
always turned on, as the first year height of ambiguity is around 
45 meters and the second one around 35 meters. Scene height 
variations not overcoming these boundaries are quite uncommon. 
3.2 Coregistration Stage 
The algorithm exploited in ITP is already optimized, with mis- 
alignments well below the pixel (Yague Martinez et al., 2010). 
Nevertheless, it can be configured through the coregistration win- 
dow size and distance. In the HR spotlight case, the window size 
is set to about 35 meters in azimuth direction and to 19 meters in 
the range one. The distance between windows is respectively 70 
and 30 meters. Tradeoffs between window size and desired accu- 
racy were already predicted for the coherent case (Bamler, 2000). 
Due to different statistics they are however not valid for urban 
scenarios. In the urban case, large windows or large distances 
may include different building with different heights, creating a 
coregistration mismatch and a loss of coherence. For a standard 
TanDEM-X scenario the loss of coherence can be quantified with 
geometrical calculations. The result for different height discrep- 
ancies in a coregistration window cell is in Fig. 5. Due to the 
relatively small baselines of the helix formation of TanDEM-X 
the loss is unimportant (a coherence of about 0.05 for a height 
discrepancy of 100 meters). The ITP coregistration approach 
can be thus considered already optimized. A small suggestion 
would be the reduction of the window distance by a factor of 2. 
It has been in fact empirically proven that the reduction of the 
distance reduces the number of phase unwrapping residues by a 
small amount. 
3.3 Interferogram Generation Stage 
The highly optimized moving average window employed to re- 
duce the phase noise in the ITP multilook stage can be optimized 
for urban modelling purposes. In particular, adaptive algorithms 
making use of amplitude statistics to fuse pixels with the same 
features are here analyzed. The algorithm in (Vasile et al., 2004), 
connecting pixels with a region growing technique, and the one 
in (Deledalle et al., 2011), connecting also not consecutive pixels 
inside a search window, are tested. The need to employ adaptive 
methods is clear looking at Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, portions of the 
DEM for an high resolution spotlight acquisition over Las Vegas 
acquired on the 25th September, 2011. The interferometric phase 
in Fig. 6 is processed to obtain a mean theoretical resolution of 
3.65 meters. The NL-InSAR algorithm (Deledalle et al., 2011) 
is used for the multilooking and the coherence estimation. The 

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