Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

3.2 Issues surrounding multi-scale analyses 
The effect of scale on statistical results was first 
demonstrated by Gehlke and Biehl (1934, as cited in Dark & 
Bram 2007; Dungan et al. 2002; Openshaw 1984) and Yule 
and Kendall (1950 cited in Marceau, D. J. 1999; Marceau, 
D.J. & Hay 1999). McCarthy (1956 cited in Marceau, D. J. 
1999) showed that the statistical results valid at one spatial 
scale may not be applicable at another scale. The problems of 
scale differences can be described as the determination of 
appropriate spatial scale to study a particular geographical 
phenomenon, and the transferability of information between 
two spatial scales (Marceau, D. J. 1999). The significant 
effect of spatial aggregation of data was acknowledged by the 
pioneer works of Blalock (1964) Clark and Avery (1976) and 
Fotheringham (1991). The most common errors arising from 
the use of multi-scale data are MAUP (Doll, C. N. H,, 
Morley & Muller 2004; Marceau, D. J. 1999; Openshaw 
1984) and ecological fallacy (Cao & Lam 1997; Doll, C. N. 
H., Morley & Muller 2004; Robinson 1950). 
The MAUP can affect the results in spatial studies using 
aggregate data sources (Unwin 1996). The MAUP consists of 
two components: the scale effect and the aggregation effect 
(Doll, C. N. H., Morley & Muller 2004; Marceau, D. J. 1999; 
Marceau, D.J. & Hay 1999). The scale effect is observed 
when data from small regions are aggregated into larger 
spatial units (Doll, C. N. H., Morley & Muller 2004; Wrigley 
et al. 1996). Aggregation effect takes place due to the 
combining of zone boundaries in a given scale of analysis 
(Doll, C. N. H., Morley & Muller 2004). 
The effects of scale and aggregation are usually manifested in 
several ways in studies in spatial analyses depending on the 
generalization of the datasets. The scale effect is 
demonstrated through individualistic fallacy and ecological 
fallacy, while the zoning or aggregation effect gives rise to 
cross - level fallacy. Individualistic fallacy occurs when the 
inferences from small or micro - levels are used to infer 
results for macro regions. Ecological fallacy can be regarded 
as the opposite of individualistic fallacy and is observed 
when inferences about micro - regions are derived from 
relationships at macro - regions (Cao & Lam 1997; Doll, C. 
N. H., Morley & Muller 2004). Cross - level fallacies are 
found in inferences derived for one sub - population from 
another at the same spatial scale of analysis (Doll, C. N. H., 
Morley & Muller 2004). 
There are many different approaches proposed in the 
literature for managing issues of MAUP (Fotheringham 
1989; Marceau, D. J. 1999; Marceau, D.J. & Hay 1999; 
Openshaw 1984). For example, Openshaw (1984) proposed 
the approach of optimal zoning system for spatial analyses. 
An optimum scale was defined as *... the spatial sampling 
unit corresponding to the scale and aggregation level 
characteristic of the geographical entity of interest” 
(Marceau, DJ. & Hay 1999, p. 6). An important 
consideration of optimal scale approach was the absence of 
unique optimal resolution. Another approach to manage 
MAUP was the identification of basic entities. This approach 
necessitated the study of an object of concern at a spatial 
scale where it could be observed and measured 
(Fotheringham 1989; Visvalingam 1991). The object was 
aggregated in the entity based approach and therefore this 
was one of the most effective ways to overcome MAUP 
(Fotheringham 1989). Commonly used ones include 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
abandonment of traditional statistical analyses and sensitivity 
The use of traditional statistics is limited in its application to 
spatial data. Recent studies in remote sensing indicated the 
use of spatial statistics such as geo-statistical tools and 
autocorrelation indices in order to overcome the effect of 
MAUP (Marceau, D.J. & Hay 1999). 
In order to incur the least possible error from MAUP, this 
study used the approach of optimal zoning system. In the 
Indian census, the villages are aggregated to form taluks. 
Therefore the taluks were considered to be the optimal 
aggregation unit to propose the metrics for the villages. The 
optimal models for the taluks (Roychowdhury et al. 2011b) 
were used to predict the metrics for the villages. The results 
from the predicted metrics were mapped for the districts of 
Table 1: Shortlisted census metrics to propose models for 
surrogate census at the district and taluks 
Number of households per | Total population density 
square kilometre 
Urban population density Female literates per square 
Total number of workers | Percentage of households 
per square kilometre with car, jeep and van 
Percentage of households | Percentage of households 
with access to electricity as | with television 
power source 
Percentage of permanent | Per Capita District 
houses Domestic Product 
3.3 Application of the models to predict metrics at 
Number of female literates per square kilometre; percentage 
of households with cars, jeeps and vans; percentage of 
households with television; percentage of permanent census 
houses and percentage of households using electricity as 
power source were predicted and mapped at the village level. 
The maps with the predicted metrics for the districts of Pune 
are shown from figure 2. 
In Pune, high values of number of female literates were 
predicted for villages around the urban areas such as 
Vadgaon Bk, Hadapsar, Khed, Kharadi, Kivale and Dehu in 
the central part of the district and Jumner, Shirur, Baramati, 
Kalamb and Bhor in other parts of the district. These areas 
were predicted to have more than 200 female literates per 
square kilometre. Most of the villages in the district have 
approximately 20 to 80 female literates per square kilometre. 
On an average two to five percent of the households in the 
villages were predicted to have cars, jeeps and vans. Around 
the urban centres there were five to ten percent of the 
households predicted as having cars, jeeps and vans. Similar 
trends were predicted for percentage of permanent census 
houses. Urban areas were recorded to contain 70% to more 
than 90 % of permanent houses. The villages in the district as 
a whole showed to have 30 to 50 % of permanent houses. 
More than 85% of the households demonstrated to have 
access to el 
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