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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Y. M. Tourre*, J.-P. Lacaux®, C. Vignolles®, and M. Lafaye“
? Meteo-France and Lamont-Doherty of Columbia University, Palisades, 10964, NY (
^ CNRS/OMP, Laboratoire d' Aérologie, Toulouse, France (1
* Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), Toulouse, France (cecil.vigno
/vestourre € aol.com)
Îles @cnes.fr,
acip C aero.obs-mi
murielle.lafave @cnes.fr)
Commission VIII, WG VIIU2 Health
Keywords: Climate change, Public health, Remote sensing, Risk mapping, Infectious diseases, Early warning systems
Climate and environment are changing rapidly whilst global population already reached 7 billions people. New public health
challenges are posed by new and re-emerging diseases. Innovation is a must i.e., 1) using high resolution remote sensing, 2)
re-invent health politics and trans-disciplinary management. The above are part of the ‘TransCube Approach” i.e, Transition,
Translation, and Transformation. The new concept of Tele-epidemiology includes such approach. À conceptual approach
(CA) associated with Rift Valley Fever (RVF) epidemics in Senegal is presented. Ponds are detected using high-resolution
SPOT-5 satellite images and radar data from space. Data on rainfall events obtained from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring
Mission (NASA/JAXA) are combined with in-situ data. Localization of vulnerable and parked hosts (obtained from
QuickBird satellite) is also used. The dynamic spatio-temporal distribution and aggressiveness of RVF mosquitoes, are based
on total rainfall amounts, ponds" dynamics and entomological observations. Detailed risks maps (hazards vulnerability) in
real-time are expressed in percentages of parks where animals are potentially at risks. This CA which simply relies upon
rainfall distribution from space, is meant to contribute to the implementation of the RVF early warning system (RVFews). It
is meant to be applied to other diseases and elsewhere. This is particularly true in new places where new vectors have been
rapidly adapting (such as Aedes albopictus) whilst viruses (such as West Nile and Chikungunya,) circulate from constantly
moving reservoirs and increasing population.
1. The Varying Climate
Climate changes and varies at all time scales. Natural
climate signals fluctuations have been identified from the
diurnal, to multi-decadal (MD) periods along with
seasonal, quasi-biennial —(QB), El-Nifio-Southern
Oscillation (ENSO), quasi-decadal (QD) and inter-
decadal (ID) oscillations at least (Tourre and White,
2006). Adding to these fluctuations is the anthropogenic
component, from population increase and energetic
needs. All fluctuations are interacting, with direct impacts
on public health.
2. Climate Variability and Public Health
Climate variability and change bring global inequalities
(Plan Bleu, 2008) associated with economic migration
(enhancing that from political turmoil). Changes have
been observed in nutrient budget, virus and bacteria
circulation, all impacting public health. Total primary
energy demand is expected to increase by -60% during
the first quarter of the 21st century. Socio-economical
chaos should have impacts on the environment and public
health i.e., infectious diseases, respiratory and circulatory
problems, pollution, allergens, impaired immune systems,
new and re-emerging diseases. Health issues are also
associated with poor water quality and malnutrition. Most
emerging (or re-emerging) infectious diseases are due
partly to the introduction of new pathogenic agents from
wildlife into new and unprepared population, thus
creating new hazards and risks. Processes may depend
upon, sanitation levels, and/or breakdowns in health
information systems (HIS).
3. Climate Variability and Infectious Diseases
Almost 7596 of actual infectious diseases in humans are
zoonoses. The last quarter of the 20th century has
witnessed an explosion of environmentally-related
illnesses. For infectious diseases, this includes increases
in the prevalence, incidence and geographical distribution
across wide taxonomic ranges, related to
climate/environment changes and practical changes in
Direct health effects of climate variability include:
changes in morbidity and mortality from heat-waves and
thermal stress (such as in 2003 over southwest Europe; in
2007 over Italy and Greece); respiratory ailments
associated with modified concentrations of aero-allergens
(spores, moulds, fungus) and/or air pollutants; health
consequences from extreme weather events, including
storms, cold waves, floods, storm surges, droughts,
windstorms, among others. Indirect health effects,
include alterations in the ecology, range and activity of
vector-borne infectious diseases (i.e., Malaria, West Nile
Virus from Africa to USA, Rift Valley Fever from Kenya
to Senegal and Mauritania, Avian Flu, Chikungunya from
the Indian Ocean to southern France and northern Italy,
Dengue Fever from central America to Florida, New