Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

We use Emissivity Normalization technique to 
separate the emissivity and temperature 
information in radiance data measured with 
thermal infrared sensors. Emissivity Normalization 
assume a fixed emissivity value and produce 
emissivity and temperature outputs. It calculates 
the temperature for every pixel and band in the 
data using a fixed emissivity value. The highest 
temperature for each pixel is used to calculate the 
emissivity values using the Planck function. 
IV Results and Discussions 
The resulting surface temperatures for the two 
scenes are presented in Figures. The mean 
temperatures estimated for the whole study area 
are 15.763 °C in Oct and 17.154 °C in Nov 2010. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
In both images, comparatively very small area 
shows temperature less than -23(dark green and 
Black) are the peaks, in accumulation area the 
estimated temperature was around -5.00 ? C to - 
23°C, where as in ablation area the temp was - 
5.00°Cto 0° C. At snout the measured temperature is 
0.199°C for both images. The remaining portion of 
the study area shows temperature between 1°C to 
32.72°C in Oct 1990 and 1°C to 42.04°C in Nov 
Whole Study area covers Gangotri glacier as well as 
Six Districts of Uttarakhand are Haridwar, 
Dehradun, Uttarkashi, Rudraprayag, Tehri Garhwal 
and Pauri and one District of Uttar Pradesh that is 
Saharanpur. Table 3 shows the derived land surface 
temperature of complete scenes. 
Feature Coordnates Elevation Temp in 1990 Temp in 2001 Temp in 2010 
Snout 30.92,79.07 4082 0.1999 0.1998 0.1999 
ELA 30.82,79.12 4649 -5.910 -5.715 -5.408 
Max Altitude 6351 -23.77 -22.81 -21.58 
Table2. Feature wise Surface Temperature of Gangotri Glacier 
Fig. 4 Pattern of Estimated Temperature 1990 
Fig.5 Pattern of Estimated Temperature 2010 
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