Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

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study area. 
long Kong 
fish ponds 
ea includes 
a few industrial development areas located in Tuen Mun, 
Tsuen Wan, Tai Po and Yuen Long. Together with the 
mountains topography, the diverse land use in the study area 
provides practical meaning for the study of local effect on 
surface thermal anomalies under the subtropical climate. 
The study period ranges from 2003 to 2006 when the ASTER 
data used for this site study is available. The ASTER images 
of these years are obtained from the achieved database in the 
Land Process Distributed Active Archive Center through the 
Earth Observing System Data Gateway (EDG), which would 
be demonstrated and discussed in the subsequent part of this 
section. Since Hong Kong is a highly developed city with 
mature urban infrastructure. During this study period from 
2003 to 2006, Hong Kong experienced no pervasive urban 
development but with a few percentages of urban sprawl 
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Figure 2. Study area with weather stations 
In this research ASTER LIB data and Land Surface 
Temperature (LST) product AST_08 data were both acquired 
for this research. ASTER L1B data is used to derive some of 
the ecological parameters. The surface temperature of 
AST 08 can be regarded as valid for cloud-free pixels, the 
reported accuracy of surface temperature estimation achieved 
proved to be within 1.5K. To facilitate further analysis, the 
surface temperature of AST 08 data in units of degrees 
Kelvin has been converted to degrees Celsius (°C). The 
primary descriptive statistics of surface temperature during 
these observation periods are given in the Table 2 to provide 
some background information about the surface temperature 
distribution within the observation periods. 
2005-04-17 | 16075 18.15 44.75 | 26.74 238 
2005-10-23 11:02:39.38 1715 41.85 | 26.60 3.18 
2005-10-01 22:34:53.98 2215 53.85 | 28.27 150 
2004-11-21 | 11:02:10.94 14.95 42.85 | 25.57 334 
2004-1005 | 241137 1195 225 | 19.95 236 
2008-11-03 | 11:03:35.52 22325 | 49.45 | 3235 3.46 
| 2003-10-28 | 22:35:49.75 1485 | 2225 | 2103 182 
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of surface temperature for the 
images used in this research 
For the analysis of the relationship between local surface 
temperature and urban environmental measures by linear 
regression analysis, there were 1070 sample points with 
systematic sampling covering the whole study area chosen as 
the observations for correlation analysis which was 
strategically located within the whole study area. All the 
values of each correlation variables corresponding to each 
sample point have been calculated. 
Geographical Weighted Regression (GWR) analysis is 
chosen to measure the possible spatial varying relationship 
between the referred local environmental factors and surface 
temperature with the use of a software package GWR 3.0 
(Fotheringham et al, 2002). In this calculation, the 
significance of potential spatial variation in relationship is 
measured and verified with a Monte Carlo statistical test. P- 
value for each variable is given and compared to offer a 
formal evaluation about the significance of spatial variation 
within each influential factor coefficient. 
Because the adaptive kernel is more capable to reflect the 
scale of local variation resulting from the equal amount of 
sample data at each regression point as compared to the fixed 
kernel (Su et al, 2005), the adaptive kernel with AIC 
(Akaike Information Criterion) minimization bandwidth 
selection is adopted for GWR analysis in this study. On the 
other hand it would provide one valued reference indicating 
the grain size of local varying patterns existed and the further 
inference of local fragmentation in the relationship pattern 
within whole study area can be made. 
The Monte Carlo significance test of spatial variation 
corresponding to each variable is summarized in Table 3, 
with the grey color rows showing the nighttime models, 
others corresponding with the daytime models. The 
goodness-of-fit of GWR models within each image time 
period can be evaluated with the adjusted R-square in this 
table. In general, the R-square has greatly improved to over 
70%. The highest value of adjusted R-square (0.772) appears 
in daytime model of 11-21-2004. On the other hand, the R- 
square value of daytime models is consistently higher than 
the values of nighttime models, which implies that the 
daytime surface temperature can be better modeled with 
current environmental variables than nighttime surface 
In summary the F values of GWR models at each time show 
that the relationships between urban environmental factors 
and local surface temperature are significant. When 
comparing the calculated bandwidth of each GWR model 
between daytime and nighttime, it can be found that the 
bandwidths of nighttime models is larger than the ones of 
daytime models, this also confirmed the relative stable 
surface heating pattern during nighttime than during daytime. 
It is noted that the bandwidth of GWR model during 
10/01/2005 is the biggest (184) among the daytime and 
nighttime models. This may be due to the strong 
“smoothing” effect of even ‘noise’ introduced by the stripped 
LST image and the highest relative humidity (89.1%) at this 
image time.The standard residual distribution of the models 
confirmed that spatial association has been successfully 
removed with GWR model, 
During daytime the Intercept and Building square footage 
demonstrate spatial association correlation with local surface 
temperature. While during nighttime these spatial variations 
of parameter coefficients tend to be less obvious. Except 
these factors referred above, no significant spatial association

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