was found and detected for Constant in night models, Solar
Radiation and Road Density parameters within most of the
models of this study during the GWR analysis. The spatial
variations of the refereed parameters proved the mixed
correlation between such evaluation variables and local
{Monte | Constant | ete Solar
iion s Road
NDVI Radiati Square | Elevation Densiy
*** = significant at .1% level ** = significant at 1% level
surface temperature across the whole study area, which is not
uniformly stationary within the whole study area and may
change from negative correlation to positive correlation
under local circumstance.
* = significant at 5% level
Table 3. Geograhically weighted regression diagnosis
Since each environmental measurement has various range of
value, moreover the NDVI values range from negative to
positive, this made the direct comparison of parameter
coefficient difficult in order to measure the importance of
each parameter impact on local surface temperature variation,
including the direction (the possible cooling or warming
effect) and extent (the altitude of local surface temperature
change induced). For easy comparison between the
influences of environmental factors on local surface
temperature variation across space and time, the indicating
impacts of each environmental parameter can be quantified
with the statistical variation of surface temperature induced
by each factor, i.e. here called component contribution using
the following formula:
Component Contribution (CC) =factor value * parameter
coefficient (1)
Then all the component contribution to surface temperature
variation corresponding to each factor have been calculated
in order to measure the influence of each environmental
factor on local surface temperature change within each image
time, with positive CC value indicating the possible warming
effect by increasing local surface temperature with
corresponding statistical CC value ? C, and negative CC
value indicating the possible cooling effect by decreasing
local surface temperature with CC value ? C.
In order to demonstrate the local variation pattern, the
illustration would emphasize on parameters whose
coefficients distribution show significant spatial variation
along with the seasonal and day-night change. To this end,
the CC values related to parameters,such as Elevation,
Distance from coast, in daytime models during 04/17/2006
and 11/03/2003 together with nighttime model during
10/28/2003 were chosen as examples and mapped against the
corresponding VNIR image to facilitate further interpreting
the spatial varying impact of each factor on surface
temperature variation which is shown in Figures 3~8.
Both the nighttime and daytime models during 10/28/2003
and 11/03/2003, 04/17/2006 demonstrate significant spatially
varying relationships between Elevation and local surface
temperature with diverse parameter coefficients of Elevation
within whole study area, CCs of Elevation at each image
time are mapped in Figures 3, 4 and 5. Figure 3 shows that
the nighttime model in 10/28/2003 demonstrates consistent
negative correlation between Elevation and local surface
temperature which implies a stable cooling effect of
Elevation on local warming during nighttime period. The
cooling effect is becoming stronger with lower negative CC
values along with the altitude rising, with the lowest located
in the peak of the hill indicating the strongest cooling effect
in high altitude area. On the other hand the daytime models
with seasonal change during 11/03/2003 and 04/17/2006
demonstrate a more diverse correlation ranging from positive
to negative within whole study area in Figures 4 and 5, this
may be induced by the various heating situation created with
solar radiation during daytime under intensive elevation
variation of urban canopy. Most of the areas with positive
CC values indicating a heating effect on local surface
temperature located in relatively low elevation area, under
these low elevations area increasing the elevation may
increase the opportunity to receive more solar radiation and
then heighten the local surface temperature. At the same time
it is interesting to find that the area coverage and value of
positive CC is larger (with the biggest value 2.78) during dry
season 11/03/2003 than during the growing season
04/17/2006(with the biggest value 2.25). This may be due to
the fact that the solar elevation angle during 04/17/2006 is
larger (67.33 deg) compared with 11/03/2003 (49.39 deg),
which helps decrease the area coverage and influence of solar
With the comparison of the CC values distribution of
distance from coast for nighttime 10/28/2003, and daytime
11/03/2003 and 04/17/2006 shown in Figures 6, 7 and 8, it is
easy to find that the CC values ranges from negative to
positive when being far away from coast. Within a certain
distance to the coast which may vary with local wind speed
and direction and relative humidity, proximity to coast shows
a significant negative correlation with the local surface
temperature which indicates the obvious cooling effect on
local surface within this extent. This confirmed that GWR
model revealed the cooling effect of proximity with coast,
when being further far away from coast the cooling effect
vanished, instead of warming effect emerging. Comparing
the pattern
model 11/(
(the blue s;
tends to sh:
negative (
speed (5.6
time 04/17
of coast. |
blowing fr
blowing fr
yellow cir
positive in
from tem]
cooling ef
be due to
coast, the
may have
slightly cc
Figure 3.
Figure 4