Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
second momentum of area of the wave's three-dimensional 
surface peak. Based on the mathematical equations below Egl 
As mentioned in the previous section, there are various 
approaches to achieve the velocity and direction of surface 
water waves in order to be used in the process of finding and 
extracting properties and features of ocean surface waters. In 
this paper concentration is on achieving the direction of surface 
currents in coastal areas, and unlike the most of other common 
works it is based on a geometrical method applied on the water 
surface digital elevation model. 
Surface DEM can be obtained by exerting interpolation or 
Delaunay algorithms on a set of elevation points acquired from 
a surface 1 51 P109] "This model has a variable extent depending 
on vastness of points taken through radar scan in a single epoch 
or several epochs got from techniques applied to discrete or gap 
data !!!l, This model is a continuous surface of water surface 
shape at the time of scan and displays the topography of water 
which includes the wave peaks and lows. 
There are 3 dimensional peaks and lows of small and large wave 
length resulted from tide or surface winds or any other external 
source of force. The surface winds produce waves with short 
wave lengths which have different shapes depending on the 
depth of water. So their shapes are different in the coastal or 
near coastal areas in comparison with far shore waters. 
The waters in the coastal and near coastal zones are much likely 
to have an oriented wave shape and also with significant 
elevation difference between waves peaks and lows. In the 
presence of surface winds this shape deviates toward the wind 
It is possible to construe information of external forces from 
deformed shape of water wave. One of the information is 
direction of external force applied to water surface. The 
behavior analysis of this elevation model depends on the spatial 
resolution of data attained from radar altimetry satellite. 
Currently because of achieving high accuracy in satellite orbital 
coordinates (with basic measurement accuracy in the range 2 cm 
to 4 cm) [12][13] it is possible to have accuracy a few 
centimetres over elevation coordinates which can help monitor 
even not very strong surface currents. 
Figure 1. a) A typically normal wave peak shape (Right) b) A 
typically deformed wave peak shape by any external forces 
In this paper it is assumed that the surface model of water is 
available in the coastal areas. This surface model has peaks and 
lows which can be described in detail. In the figl a wave peak is 
displayed in both normal and deformed by external forces 
shapes. Wave's peaks shapes in deep waters like oceans are 
mainly symmetric figl-a but in low depth and coastal waters are 
deformed and have an attitude in line with the wind's direction 
The method offered in this article takes profit of this behavior 
and exerts mathematical analysis on it in order to find out 
currents and consequently wind’s direction. The analysis is 
related to the vector connecting points between the first and 
the surface relative extremes can be found. 
IT om fae ar Dice 
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By defining a local Cartesian coordinate system in the 
neighborhood of the maximum point it would be easier to 
perform computations on coordinates of points in a way which 
its Z axis approximately and without much need of precision be 
in line with gravity direction regardless of its direction and also 
with an arbitrary X-Y plane orientation. 
: E. 
Figure 2. A wave peak and its neighbour low points in a 2-D 
view and the arbitrary local Cartesian coordinate 
Having extremes location and performing the algorithm below 
Eq2, it is possible to determine the maximum points limit range 
to be used in the analysis Fig3. 
A M em pex = #, 
Hm=1/2{hb+ ih 
Where  H = Height 
Hmin=Height of points of low in the neighbourhood of 
a peak point. 
By applying this algorithm, here comes a spatial shape like a 
pork-pie hat. 
A threshold is needed to specify the plane which is considered 
as the removal border of its floor edges. These edges are 
problematic in the procedure of locating the second surface 
momentum in respective of first order point. 
In this work by using normal distribution as a model for normal 
shape of peak and its neighbourhood threshold plane, which is 
perpendicular to Z axis of local coordinate system is located in 
where, the volume between threshold plane and upper surface is 
the 67% of its total volume. This is the amount of volume 
between the cz. After exertion of these reductions on the 
elevation surface, it results in a typical shape like below (Fig3). 
Figures 3-a and 3-c display first order of surface momentum 
point of resulted surface in a cross section of a plane 
perpendicular to the X-Y plane. The first surface momentum of 
a normal wave and an inclined one resulted of the impact of 
surface winds are shown in the figures 3-b and 3-d respectively. 
JE uri 
The second r 
but indicate t 
of momentun 
obvious that 
coincident wl 
inclined and 
second order 
wave's peak i 
the X-Y plar 
coordinate Sj 
coordinate sy 
compute the 
the coordinat 
Figure 3. a) 
between su 
point of res 
of a plane 
order of 
normal way 
X-Y plan 
Cross se 

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