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Figure 4. Ground projection of the orbits
In order to extract the depth information from the imagery we
used the Jupp method as described in Green et al. (2000). The
algorithm was implemented by the authors in IDL language and
integrated in the ENVI software. The 5419 image was pre
processed according to the procedure described in Deidda et al
(2012). This procedure divides the image in classes each
corresponding to different homogeneous bottom type. Among
the classes thus identified, we selected the one corresponding to
the sand bottom. This class was represented as a ROI (region of
interest) in the ENVI software. We used a coordinate
transformation to transport the sand class from the 5419 to the
5318 image, avoiding this way to change the radiance values of
the pixels due to georeference interpolation. A traditional
bathymetric survey is necessary for the calibrate the method.
The DOP zones calculated for the sand bottom class, being
parallel to the coastline, were crossed with transverse survey
lines, separated about 20 m from each other. The first band, up
to a depth of about 1.50 m, was surveyed with GPS equipment
in RTK mode, by two operators who walked along the survey
lines. The Jupp model was applied 10 times on each image,
once for each selected calibration area. However, not all
calibration areas produced valid depth results, and thus some
were discarded. In particular, for the 5419 image, the calibration
area 1 was discarded because the produced values were
extrapolated rather than interpolated; and areas 4, 5 and 8 which
produced a very low number of depth values. For the same
reason the areas 2, 5 and 9 for the image 5318 were discarded.
Areas 6 and 10 were not used because they produced DOP
zones which did not overlap the NRTK survey, which covered
only part of the littoral. In Figure 5 the extension of the survey
is shown in red, and the position of the depth values produced
from the 5419 image (using the calibration area 7) in green.In
order to distinguish between the depth model obtained by direct
survey and the one calculated with the Jupp method for each
calibration area, from now on the latter will be referred to as
Digital Sea Bottom Model (DSBM).
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Figure 5. GPS survey (red) and DSBM (green)
Our bathymetry extraction software has produced 6 DSBMs for
the image 5419 and 7 for the 5318, each corresponding to a
different calibration area (see Figure land Figure 2). A direct
comparison of the models is not feasible because, due the
different calibrations, the points where depth is estimated are
not the same (different DOP zones). The strategy used for
comparison was thus to spatially intersect the models and limit
the comparison to the common areas. The comparison with the
NRTK survey of the bottom, which preceded the one between
the DSBMs, also required the choice of a criterion to match the
points to be compared. In this case, the comparison was made
between the surveyed depth and the closest point of the
extracted model, up to a distance of one half pixel (1.2 m on the
4.1 Image 5419
Calibration — Average Standard
area (m) deviation (m)
2 0.25 0.21
3 0.30 0.20
6 0.21 0.20
7 0.21 0.19
9 0.39] 0.22}
10 0.46] 0.26|
Table 3: Averages and standard deviations of the differences
between the points of the DSBM and those of the NRTK survey
for the seven calibration areas of the 5419 image.
Calibration areas 9 and 10 were discarded because the average
differences are too high.