Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

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During the last three decades several bathymetry applications 
were accomplished based on the above model. Two or more 
bands of low or high resolution passive images were tested in an 
effort to remove errors due to bottom and/or water quality 
differences producing quite satisfying results (Lyzenga, 1985; 
van Hengel and Spietzer, 1988; Papadopoulou and Tsakiri- 
Strati, 1998; Hatzigaki et al, 2000; Stumpf et al, 2003; 
Lyzenga, 2006; Bramante et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2010; Lyons et 
al., 2011). 
4.1 The multispectral imagery and echo sounding data 
The depth estimation concerns the coastal area of Nea 
Michaniona, Thessaloniki, in the northern part of Greece. The 
sea bottom changes smoothly and the water is clear. The 
shallower parts are covered with dense sea grass while the 
deeper area is sandy. 
Figure 1. The study image area (R:4, G:3, B:2) 
The imagery data set included the eight (8) bands of 
Worldview-2 multispectral image. The image was acquired in 
16 June 2010 with spatial resolution of 2m. Despite the water 
clarity, the depths estimation was constrained by image noise 
that sun glint caused by appearing sparsely in a great part of 
image scene. The available data were georeferenced to UTM 
(zone 34) system and WGS84. The study area included only the 
water region of the image (fig.1). From now on, the 8 bands of 
the image will be symbolized as: band 1 (coastal), 2 (blue), 3 
(green), 4 (yellow), 5 (red), 6 (red-edge), NR1 (first near- 
infrared) and NIR2 (second near-infrared). 
The linear bathymetric model was calibrated using echo 
sounding data. The survey of the bottom was accomplished 
through 719 measurements of depths (from 3.5 m to 15.0 m) 
and GPS corresponding horizontal positions on a calm sea 
surface. The echo sounding device was a CODEN CVS106 and 
the GPS pair of dual frequency receivers was the model system 
300 of Leica. The internal accuracy of depth measurments 
reached 10cm. The horizontal position was determined using 
the kinematic method (Tziavos, 1996, Andritsanos et al, 1997, 
Fotiou and Pikridas, 2006) with a final accuracy of 5-6cm. The 
all data process was performed using manufacturer processing 
software and horizontal coordinates were georeferenced to the 
system of the multispectral data. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
4.2 Imagery data pre-processing 
The conversion from radiometrically corrected image pixels to 
spectral reflectance (Updike and Comp, 2010) was realized 
prior to deglinting process and atmospheric correction for every 
band. The given equation required the absolute radiometric 
calibration factor and the effective bandwidth for a certain band 
that were available in the image metadata file. 
The technique of Hedley et al. (2005) was implemented on the 
‘glint’ image bands towards the correction of sun-glint effect. 
Three image samples with size 50x50 pixels were carefully 
selected from glinted areas at different locations on the image. 
The critical at this point was the definition of the proper band 
combination of NIR (two bands) and visible (six bands) 
available bands that would be involved in linear regression 
model. Experimental results demonstrated that there was a 
strong linear relationship among the ‘new’ bands, i.e. band 1, 
band 4 and band 6 with the NIR2, and among the ‘traditional’ 
bands, band 2, band 3 and band 5 with the NIR1. Thus the de- 
glinting process was twofold, one for each set of images. As 
soon as the regression slope was defined for every band 
combination, the equation (1) was used to determine the 
deglinted pixel. 
The atmospheric correction through the subtraction of the dark 
pixel value followed the glint correction. In order to avoid 
negative differences between the image pixels and the dark 
pixel value, the histogramme of every band was examined and a 
cut-off at its lower end was spotted. The value corresponding to 
this cut-off was considered as the dark pixel value (Benny and 
Dawson, 1983). A very small proportion of pixels had values 
less than the dark pixel value but this fact did not affect the 
correction procedure. For the implementation of the linear 
bathymetric model (eq. 6) the natural logarithm of the corrected 
pixel values was calculated. 
5.1 Depth estimation 
The linear model was firstly implemented over the total study 
area for the corrected bands of the Worldview-2 image. Bands 
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were used. For this particular step of the study 
as well as for all the following steps, band 6, NIR1 and NIR2 
were excluded as their spectral information is generally conside- 
red insignificant for bathymetry applications. Using 250 control 
points with known depth, the linearity between the depth 
(dependent variable) and corresponding pixel values 
(independent variables) of every band was firstly tested. The 
scatterplots showed that the relationship between depth and 
band values was not linear. The linearity was affected by small 
pixel values existing in swallow water area due to the presence 
of sea-grass. Together the high spatial image resolution accents 
the differences in bottom types since the detailed and clear 
information. Thus, the study area was separated by optical 
interpretation into three different areas according to their 
bottom type: area A where the bottom is sandy (depths about 
6.0 m to 15.0 m), area B where the bottom is mostly sandy with 
sparsely distributed sea grass (depths about 2.5 m to 6.0 m) and 
area C where the bottom is densely covered with sea grass. 
(depths about 2.0 m to 6.0 m). For every area and every band a 
new dark pixel value was defined as described in $4.

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