Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

% of the 
s performed 
he area. The 
| (8) and its 
satisfied by 
4, although 
53X, (8) 
1ms of the 
) and 4. 
depths. Six 
t is 76% of 
ces between 
s vary from 
l to 0.17 m 
's estimated 
:quation (8) 
in area B. 
among the 
1 factor ana- 
d therefore, 
onent (PC1) 
was used. A new simple regression analysis took place. The 
independent variable was the natural logarithm of the first 
principal component values. The regression was performed on 
75 points and the final valid model of 55 points is given by 
equation (9): 
z = -0.031 + 2.01(InPC1) (9) 
Absolute differences 
between measured and 
estimated depths 
Figure 5. The histogramme of absolute differences between 
measured and estimated depths (area B). All of the 
differences are under 0.4m. 
The statistical parameters of the regression models in areas A, B 
and C (for the parameters see Mallows, 1973, Myers, 1990, 
Stevens, 2002) are presented in table 1. 
R| R | R,| DW | VIF Ri C. 
094] 088] 087 | 185 | <=1,7 | 0954 | 4 
097] 093] 093] 18] <=3.1 | 0965 5 
0.88] 0.78] 0.77 | 1.55 | -—— 0.939 2 
a= |» 
Tablel. The statistical parameters 
The model was tested with 178 points of known depths. The 48 
of them lie outside the confidence zone while the 130 that is 
73% of the total lie inside it (fig.6). The absolute differences 
between known depths and estimated depths at these points vary 
from 0.04 m to 0.93 m (fig. 7) with a mean value equal to 0.24 
m and a standard deviation equal to 0.37 m. The zone's 
estimated depths vary from 2.0 m to 5.8 m. According to 
statistical parameters and tests a very sufficient performance of 
the model was remarked. 
predicted z - -0,032*2,.017"PC1 
Figure 6. The graphic expression of confidence zone in area C. 
The symbolisms are given in figure 2. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Absolute differences 
between measured and 
estimated depths 
Figure 7. The histogramme of absolute differences between 
measured and estimated depths (area C). 67% of the 
differences are under 0.5m. 
The linear bathymetric model was applied on the image after the 
sun glint removal and atmospheric correction. The image was 
integrated with the available echo sounding and GPS data for 
the calibration of the model as well as for the analysis of the 
corresponding depths in the area of interest. The presence of sea 
grass in a part of the study area and the high resolution of the 
image affected the linear relationship between water reflectance 
and depth and hindered the implementation of the model on the 
whole image. Thus, the water area was divided into three parts: 
an area with sea grass (depths about 2.0 m to 6.0 m), a mixed 
area with sea grass and sand (depths about 2.4 m to 6.0 m) and 
a sea grass-free area (depths about 6.0 m to 15.0 m). Bands 1, 2, 
3, 4, and 5 of the image were used in the linear model. The 
outcomes of the statistical analysis indicated that the model 
provided very good results for the mixed and sea grass-free 
area, unlike the ‘sea grass’ area where the first principal 
component was used instead of the five image bands. In all 
areas the majority of the estimated depths (73-76 %), differed 
adequately from the soundings. The model in the mixed and the 
sea grass-free area was mainly influenced by the green band. 
The contribution of the blue band in these two areas was 
significant but less than the contribution of the green. The red 
band had a significant contribution only in the sea grass-free 
area that is in depths >= 6.0 m. The coastal and yellow band 
satisfied only the linear model of the mixed area and their 
contribution, although it was statistically significant, was very 
small. To conclude, the green band proved to be the most 
effective for bathymetry applications. The blue band contributed 
less while the red band participated only in the sea-grass free 
area. In general the bathymetric model involving the imagery 
data of high spectral and spatial resolution produced fairly 
accurate results. However a thorough statistical analysis was 
required to optimize the selection of the appropriate spectral 
Andritsanos V.D., C. Pikridas, D. Rossikopoulos, I.N. Tziavos, 
A. Fotiou, 1997. Depth represantation in closed sea areas, la-kes 
and rivers using an echo sounder and the global positioning 
system (GPS). In Proccedings of the 4th National Carto- 
graphic Conference: Cartography and Maps for Success and 
Environment Protection, HCS, Kastoria, Greece (in greek). 
Bramante J., Raju D. K. and S.T. Min, 2010. Derivation of 
bathymetry from multispectral imagery in the highly turbid 
waters of Singapore’s south islands. A comparative study.

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