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T. Kutser *°*, B. Paavel*, C. Verpoorter 5 T. Kauer?, E. Vahtmàáe*
? Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu, Máealuse 14, 12618, Tallinn, Estonia — Tiit.Kutser(a)sea.ee
b Limnology / Department of Ecology and Genetics, University of Uppsala, Norbyvágen 18D, Uppsala, 75236, Sweden
Commission VIII/4
KEY WORDS: Lakes, remote sensing, water quality, aquatic optics, chlorophyll-a, CDOM, suspended matter
Solving of several global and regional problems requires adequate data about lake water quality parameters like the amount and type
of phytoplankton dominating in the lakes, the amount of dissolved and coloured dissolved organic matter and/or concentration of
suspended sediment. Remote sensing is the only practical way to study many lakes provided it can produce sufficiently accurate
estimates of the water characteristics. We studied optically very variable lakes in order to test both physics based methods and
conventional band-ratio type algorithms in retrieval of water parameters. The modelled spectral library used in the physics based
approach provided very good results for chlorophyll-a retrieval. The number of different concentrations of CDOM and suspended
matter used in the simulations was too low to provide good estimates of these parameters. Extending the spectral library is currently
in progress. Band-ratio type algorithms worked well in chlorophyll-a and CDOM retrieval. None of the algorithms tested for total
suspended matter, organic suspended matter and inorganic suspended matter retrieval performed well enough and there is need in
further testing.
Monitoring of lake water quality in regional to global scales is
important from several aspects. For example recent studies
(Cole et al., 2007; Battin et al., 2009; Tranvik et al., 2009)
indicate that lakes play very important role in the global carbon
cycle. These estimates are mainly based on upscaling regional
in situ data to global scale. The true role of lakes in the global
carbon cycle can be determined only by remote sensing as it is
not possible to study sufficient amount of lakes by means of in
situ sampling. However, reliable remote sensing algorithms for
retrieval of parameters like coloured dissolved organic matter,
CDOM, will be needed as CDOM can be used as a proxy to
estimate also DOC (dissolved organic carbon) concentrations
and CO, saturation in lakes in global scale (Kutser et al.
2005a,b, 2009a, Sobek et al. 2003). Monitoring of lake DOC is
important also from drinking water quality point of view as
chlorination produces cancerogenic compounds and increasing
DOC in lakes used as a drinking water source impacts human
health (McDonalnd and Komulainen 2005).
Frequency and extent of intense phytoplankton blooms has
increased in inland and coastal waters around the world
(Hallegraeff 2003, Sellner et al. 2003, Glibert et al. 2005)
Potentially harmful effects of the blooms (Edler et al. 1985,
Horner et al. 1997, Landsberg 2002, Hallegraeff 2003, Sellner
et al. 2003, Glibert et al. 2005, Backer and McGillicuddy 2006)
on human and animal health, drinking water quality and
recreational use of water bodies have caused awareness of
general public, environmental agencies and water authorities.
Conventional monitoring networks, that are based on infrequent
sampling in a few fixed monitoring stations, cannot provide the
information needed as the blooms are very heterogeneous both
spatially and temporally. Only remote sensing can provide the
spatial and temporal coverage needed. Many authors (see
* Corresponding author.
references in review papers by Kutser 2009b and Matthews
2011) have worked on recognition and quantitative mapping of
potentially harmful blooms. However, the quantitative mapping
problem is still unsolved as there is no sufficient information on
optical properties of different blooms and vertical structure of
biomass in the blooms (for these species that can migrate in the
water column).
Physics based methods using modelled spectral libraries (look-
up tables) in interpretation of remote sensing data have gained
popularity in both mapping of water depth and shallow water
benthic habitats (Kutser et al. 2002, 2006; Mobley et al. 2005;
Lesser and Mobley 2007; Brando et al. 2009) but also in
retrieving optically active constituents of the water column
(Kutser et al. 2001, Brando et al. 2009) or estimating
phytoplankton biomass in heavy blooms (Kutser 2004). We
used Hydrolight radiative transfer model to simulate remote
sensing reflectance spectra and then used procedure called
Spectral Angle Mapper, SAM, to find the modelled spectrum
most similar to the measured one. It was assumed that the
concentrations of chlorophyll-a, CDOM and mineral particles in
the water match the concentrations used in modelling if the
measured and modelled reflectance spectra match. This would
allow to retrieve the three concentrations simultaneously.
Suitability of several band-ratio type algorithms for retrieving
the optically active water constituents were also tested.
2.1 Study sites
The selected lakes are variable in their optical water properties
and large enough for satellite remote sensing with sensors like
MERIS with it's 300 m spatial resolution. Lake Peipsi in
Estonia is the fourth largest lake in Europe (3555 km”). It's