Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

i "many 
FON Tnm 
ur Catchment 
ountry Border 
oniferous F. 
eciduous F. 
later Body 
sttlernent, Road 
igar Beet 
inter Wheat 
finter Barley 
pen-Cast Mine 
aring Barley 
rban Green Area 
are Ground 
ummer Wheat 
r the Rur- 
belonging crop rotation information with its annual crop type 
coverage is available. The annual change of the land use pattern 
can now be addressed for the Rur-Watershed. Related to this 
annual alteration, is the change of crop dependent matter fluxes 
and management practices like N- and C-inputs, N- and C- 
removals etc. Consequently, the mapping of annually varying 
management patterns is only possible by using such a land use 
data base. 
Different approaches of land use dependent regionalization of 
agricultural management are presented in this contribution. In 
contrast to many other published approaches, the MDA-based 
case studies focus on the integration of available related data 
from multiple sources and data integration technologies within a 
GIS-environment. These data are the base for the spatial 
distribution of agricultural management. Besides GIS, the 
multitemporal and multisensoral remote sensing classification 
for multiannual crop type mapping is the core and key of the 
presented approach. Furthermore, the distribution of e.g. 
calculated N-input is carried out by using knowledge-based 
production rules which are developed for each crop type and a 
set of spatial settings (e.g. protection areas). 
In this contribution, we presented in three case studies the 
development and improvement of the regionalization of 
agricultural management based on the MDA. From the 
beginnings in the late nineties, a step-wise improvement is 
documented which finally results in crop rotation maps. From 
our knowledge, the presented approach is the only method to 
provide the spatial input data which are needed for regional 
agro-ecosystem modelling and which were identified by 
Kersebaum et al. (2007) as the most limiting parameter in 
regional agro-ecosystem modelling. As an example, a 
screenshot of one of the latest DNDC versions is shown in 
Fig. 11. For each year of a long-term simulation, the crop type 
or crop types (in case of a cropping index > 1) have to be 
provided with all related management information. Finally, the 
MDA derived land use data can provide crop cover with the 
related soil information for large regions. 
Ciop | Tilage | Fertiization | Manure Amendment | Weeding | Flooding | Irrigation | Grazing or cutting | 
Crop parameters 
tis crucial for modeling soil biogeochemistry to correctly simulate crop growth/yield. Please push this button ta 
review and modify the crop parameters to ensure they are as close as possible to observations. 
Number of new crops consecutively planted in this year 
Crop H = i <- Last | Next > | 
Crop type: n Com x 
Default maximum biomass production (kg diy matter/ha]: 
Grain | 1500 Leaf+siem [1540 ^ Root 
Planting month: [ 5 days L | 
Harvest month: I 10 day= | 1 
Harvest mode 1: in this year; 2: in next year 
fo |lse empirical crop growth sub-model 
#" Use physiology/phenoloay sub-model 
* Additional parameters for physiology/phenology sub-model ss 
Initial biomass [kg div matter/ha] 
Initial photosynthesis efficiency I EE 
Maxirnum photasynthesis rate. ka CO2/ha/hr 
Development rate in vegetative stage 
Accept | 
Is it a cover crop? i Mo 7” Yes Development rate in reproductive stage 
Fraction of leaves and stems left in field after [ 04 us 
harvest 04 
CroplD | CropTupe | Planting 1 | Harvest | Mode | Residue | Yield | 
1st crop 1 5 1 10 1 1 0400000 1500.00... 
| DK. | Cancel | Apr | Help 
Figure 11. Screenshot of the DNDC model (9.1) (http://www.dnde.sr.unh.edu/) 
Bareth, G., 2009. GIS- and RS-based spatial decision support: 
structure of a spatial environmental information system (SEIS). 
International Journal of Digital Earth, 2(2), pp. 134-154. 
Bareth, G., 2008. Multi-Data Approach (MDA) for enhanced 
land use and land cover mapping. Proc. XXI ISPRS Congress, 
3-11 July 2008, Beijing, China. 
Bareth, G., 2001. Integration of an IRS-1C land use 
classification in the official topographical information system 
(ATKIS) to enhance the quality of the information of arable

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