Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

ter extract low intensity agriculture. In addition to the develop- 
ment and adaptation of existing algorithms a specific request is 
the successful integration of these into a strong logistical 
framework within the FMoA, in order to bring together the ad- 
vanced knowledge to elaborate and apply mapping processes 
and the regional knowledge on contexts of the production types. 
On basis of the ESA and third party mission sensor portfolio, 
the established institutional collaboration network, which 
GMFS established during the past years, is bringing together 
both aspects. 
Extracted from the ENVISAT MERIS Full Resolution (FR) 
level 2 products (GSD = 300m), the Fraction of Absorbed Pho- 
tosynthetically Active Radiation (fAPAR) is derived. Data of 
the fAPAR type are biophysical variables directly correlated 
with the primary productivity of the vegetation, and they reflect 
the fraction of the solar energy which is absorbed by the vege- 
tation within each pixel. 
£oG-APAR SDN-Sepa2011 v1.0 % 3 250 500 Rüomelers 
i ] FT * 
Pro;iechon: Geographic (LabiLoni / 
WGS 84 Input: enulti-tme series 
MERIS level? (2-14 Sep 20111 uM 
Author. FMoA pe ECIMIPS @ Federal Ministry of 
An Agriculture Sudan 
Figure 4 Indicative inter seasonal vegetation growth map 
(fapar-EoG) for September 2011 
Within the framework of the GMFS project, we have elaborated 
and transferred a processing chain for the generation and analy- 
sis of these indicative fAPAR inter seasonal maps (see fig. 4) to 
the FMoA in Khartoum. 
Figure 5 shows the distribution of potential rain fed areas 
between the crop seasons 2009 (light yellow) versus 2010 
(hatched light brown) in North Kordofan State, Sudan 
(Brockmann 2011). The thematic overlays show a decrease 
from North to South of the potentially cultivated area in the 
Eastern part of the state, while at the same time an increase is 
observed from the South towards the North in the Western part 
of the state. Compared to the official statistics of the FMoA, 
which estimate an increase of 1096 of production in North 
Kordofan for the same period, the satellite data obviously 
indicate that there is much more spatial differentiation needed. 
Based on those annual EO application results, the FMoA is now 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
improving its monitoring framework for the benefit of the rural 
population in the fragile environment of traditional rain fed 
Figure 5 ENVISAT MERIS FR false colour composite 
(2010-09-12 — bands 13-5-1) overlaid with MERIS FR 
level 2 fAPAR data from 2009 versus 2010 
The results in the application sites confirm the approaches by 
means of annual monitoring of the variation in the extend of the 
rain fed agriculture and special indicators like in season fAPAR 
maps, which are transmitted to the local units of the respective 
Ministries of Agriculture. Together with specific training 
modules and joint user conferences, the basis of spatial 
knowledge is a pertinent improvement of the day-to-day 
working basis for the African project partners. 
2.4 Application Sites in the Western Siberian Corn Belt 
2.4.1 Transfer Approach: The positive responses and 
convincing results have been the basis for the transfer of the 
methods into another region, the Western Siberian corn-belt. In 
a joint programme funded by the German Ministry for 
Education and Research and the Russian Ministry of Research, 
the project called “Sustainable Land Management and Adaption 
Strategies to Climatic Change for the Western Siberian Corn- 
Belt” (SASCHA) was started one year ago. The large extends 
of cropping schemes in West Siberia demand advanced remote 
sensing methods to be applied in order to compare the impacts 
of climatic change not only on the agricultural production but 
also on risks for the eco system. The experiences from the 
African activities will also introduce a multi scale approach of 
remote sensing data. From a nearly daily product of medium 
resolution (typically MERIS with 300m GSD) for wide areas, 
and high resolution sensors for stratified sample areas once per 
season to very high resolution data for stratified spot 
observation, the project will develop and establish an adopted 
monitoring concept. 
The project SASCHA investigates interactional effects of cli- 
mate and land-use change on natural resources and ecosystem 
functions in the Pre-Taiga and Forest-Steppe ecotone of West- 
ern Siberia. The interface between the steppe and the northern 
forest zone in Western Siberia is of global significance in terms 
of carbon sequestration, food production, and biodiversity. Af- 
fecting all these subject matters, climate change and rapid 
socio-economic development will trigger fundamental land use 
changes. The analysis of these former, present and future 
changes and their implications for essential ecosystem functions 
are the focus of the first project phase. Subsequently, sustain- 
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