X-B8, 2012
sures able to cap-
nd provide an ac-
ound. The patches
^H are detected in
at map. For these
alculated on a per
ue in the pixels of
1yte patches these
than those for the
larger heterogene-
r all bands of the
criminatory capa-
ire of energy, local
d in the calculated
riations in texture
el of the selected
bod is considered.
dow of predefined
' the pixel intensi-
ened to the central
eaningful on a per
alues of the pixels
n of the intra-patch
e patch vegetation
Juickbird bands.
ntropy-based mea-
ed in information
rms, an indication
ise, heterogeneous
arded, as the ones
to have higher en-
Similarly to vari-
n a per pixel basis.
calculated in a sur-
de (1)
intensities, or gray
quency of appear-
the number of pix-
ber of pixels of the
on the one hand,
to increase spatial
«ture. On the other
statistical analysis,
xugh further quan-
> decreases. As an
pixels, the image
s, so that we have
n forming the his-
‘wo schemes were
ing requantized to
y requantized indi-
1all neighborhood
5 variations in the
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Figure 1: LPH/MPH and TPH habitats in Le Cesine protected site.
extent of a larger surrounding area, we introduce the Local En-
tropy Ratio (LER) measure. Two concentric windows of different
sizes are considered around each pixel. A local entropy value is
extracted for each window, H; and H, for the inner and outer
windows, respectively, and their ratio
LER = (2)
is assigned to the central pixel. The smaller the ratio, the more
homogeneous the close neighborhood of the central pixel, com-
pared with its broader surroundings. Two versions of the measure
are produced: in the first case, the pixels of the small window are
included in the calculation of the entropy of the large one, while
in the second a more unbiased approach is offered by excluding
the pixels of the inner window from the entropy calculation of the
outer one. A point of particular importance in the latter case is
that the outer window should be large enough to allow for sensi-
ble statistical analysis. Therefore, since a statistically meaningful
number of pixels has to be at least one order of magnitude larger
than the number of gray levels, in case of image quantization in
eight gray levels and a small window size of 9 x 9 pixels, a large
window of a minimum dimension of 13 x 13 pixels needs to be
created around the central pixel, thus having 169—81 — 88 pixels
after the exclusion of the central window. As previously, quanti-
zation can be performed for either the whole region or separately
for each window.
3.4 Local Binary Patterns
Local binary patterns (Petrou and García-Sevilla, 2006) are also
tested in capturing local changes in texture. As all previous mea-
sures, local binary patterns are computed on a per pixel basis. For
each pixel, its surrounding pixels in a circle of predefined radius
are considered. Each such pixel is flagged with a value of 1 if it
is larger than the central pixel, or 0 otherwise. Scanning the sur-
rounding pixels in a clockwise order, a binary number is formed
from their assigned values. This number is converted to the dec-
imal system and assigned to the central pixel. The value of the
measure for a specific patch is calculated through averaging the
resultant pixel values for all pixels of the patch.
The measure can be converted to rotation invariant if all possi-
ble binary numbers, formed by changing the starting point of the
clockwise counting for each pixel, are considered, and the largest
or smallest of them is finally assigned to the central pixel. Homo-
geneous regions are expected to be characterized, in general, by
smaller binary numbers than heterogeneous regions, since more