Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

data usually show spectral mixing of corals and other reef 
substrates like benthic algae, reef-sand, etc. Therefore, it becomes 
necessary to understand the spectral behaviour of corals in situ to 
comprehend space-borne sensor-level signal of corals from a reef. 
In situ spectral behaviour of Indian corals per se, in visible, near- 
and mid-infra-red (NIR and MIR) regions of the spectrum was so 
far unknown. This study attempts to characterize seven, live 
(belonging to seven genera and four distinctive colony 
morphologies) and one bleached hermatypic corals from Gulf of 
Kachchh, India with in situ hyperspectral data over a continuous 
spectral range of 350 to 1350 nm. 
Indian coast is endowed with spatially limited but strategically 
located coral reef habitats which offer a myriad of marine 
biodiversity combined with unique regional characteristics. In 
India, major coral reefs occur in four distinct locations. Two of 
them occur in gulf settings: Gulf of Kachchh in Arabian Sea and 
Gulf of Mannar in Bay of Bengal while the other two are off- 
shore island groups of Lakshadweep in Arabian Sea and 
Andaman and Nicobar in Bay of Bengal. Indian coral reefs share 
sixty genera of hermatypic, scleractinian corals out of the one 
hundred and eleven genera reported in the world (Venkataraman, 
2003). Thus, Indian corals share 54% of global coral diversity at 
genera level. 
The southern part of Gulf of Kachchh from Gujarat coast 
represents the sturdiest scleractinian coral species of India. 
Occurring in the northernmost limits of Indian reef regions 
(22?20' to 22?40' north latitudes and 68?30' to 70?40' east 
longitudes), these corals grow in a highly turbid and saline, 
macro-tidal environment marked with semi-diurnal desiccations 
due to fluctuating tidal exposures (Navalgund et al. 2010). Out of 
the sixty genera of scleractinian corals reported from India, only 
twenty genera are found in Gulf of Kachchh (Venkataraman, 
2003) reef region which is declared and protected as a Marine 
Sanctuary since 1983. 
A: Location of Gulf of Kachchh in India 
B: Location of Study Areas: 1 and 2 in 
Gulf of Kachchh 
1: Paga Reef 
2: Laku Point 
> Z 
Dated: 14'^ February, 2009 
Daterk 16° March, 2005 
Figure 1. Location of the study sites 
Paga reef and Laku Point (near Poshitra) were chosen as two 
specific sites (Figure 1) for collection of in situ coral spectra from 
Gulf of Kachchh. These sites had been reported to have relatively 
high generic diversity of scleractinian corals within the region 
(Patel, 1978). Moreover the yearly, equinoctial spring tides 
(negative low tides) result in maximum exposure of inter-tidal and 
sub-tidal areas of these reefs facilitating in situ coral Spectra 
collection with virtually no water column. Paga is an off-shore 
patch reef where diverse coral colonies occur mostly in the reef 
slope, reef crest and outer reef flat areas while Laku point is à 
narrow fringing reef where coral colonies grow in shallow, rock. 
3.1 Multi-spectral Signatures of Reef Substrates from 
Resourcesat-1 LISS-IV Data 
Linear Imaging and Self Scanning sensor: LISS-IV, onboard 
Resourcesat-1 (IRS-P6) and 2 (RS2) satellites have been the most 
preferred imaging sensor for Indian coral reefs for its high spatial 
resolution (5.8 m at nadir) complemented with three spectral 
channels (located in Green, Red and NIR regions) and 10 bit level 
of quantization. LISS-IV in multi-spectral mode has performed 
considerably well to characterize reef geomorphology of the 
smaller reefs of Central Indian Ocean (Navalgund et al. 2010). 
However, at an orbital altitude of 817 km, detection capability of 
this sensor gets spatially limited for coral colonies within a reef. 
Three discrete, broad-band, spectral channels, positioned at 530 to 
590 nm, 620 to 680 nm and 770 to 860 nm usually fall short to 
spectrally resolve a “pure coral signature”. Cohabitation of macro 
reef-benthos like corals and macro-algae along with underlying 
litho-substrates (sand, mud, etc.) under varying depths of water 
column make this task all the more difficult. Atmospheric 
interferences also alter the strength of the back-scattered signal 
through atmospheric absorption and scattering. The back 
scattered signal from a reef for a single pixel can thus be a mixed 
representation of the natural heterogeneity present in the 
corresponding reef area. This problem has been demonstrated 
with the help of Figures 2 and 3 as a case study using a subset of 
an archived IRS- P6 LISSIVMX (multi-spectral) data acquired on 
16" March, 2005 pertaining to Paga reef. The spectral behaviour 
of selected reef substrates have been analysed with respect to Top 
of the earth's Atmosphere (TOA) spectral radiance. No 
atmospheric correction has been performed on this subset image 
for this study. 
Figure 3 shows multi-spectral signatures (in terms of mean 
spectral radiance of randomly selected thirty pixels for each 
group) of five distinct reef categories obtained from the subset of 
LISS-IVMX image of Paga reef (Figure 2). This subset image 
was digitally enhanced by applying standard deviation stretch for 
better visual appreciation of the reef substrates. Four out of the 
selected five pixel-groups which represent four different reel 
substrates are clearly, visually distinguishable by their respective 
tones. In a standard LISS-IVMX False Colour Composite (FCO: 
white pixels representing pure, exposed sand get well 
distinguished from rest of the reef pixel classes, as à substrate 
giving the highest spectral response in all the three channels. For 
Paga reef the submerged sand pixels on reef flat (free of any kind 
of benthic substrates) appeared in light green tone as the sand is 
mixed with silt and clay. 
Figure 2. A 
The effect of 
substrates fro 
values of m 
can be differe 
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dominates the 
Figure 3. The 
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the green ban 
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Figure 3. 
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reaffirms the 
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Coral colonies

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