ctra of these coral targets
n. All corals have central
ainent peak at 1070 nm.
ristic absorption features
n) and at 975 nm (water
at 675 nm is followed by
on. As per the spectral
eight coral targets can be
p A consisting of Favia,
oup B comprising of
(Live) and Group C: the
massive and encrusting
osure of soft, live coral
lites. Two of the Group B
senting massive and sub-
xposure of the soft, live
ite corallites. Turbinaria
ose colony with more of a
ral polyps. Group C: the
me with polyps largely
Plot: Key
Turbinaria (bleached)
- 4.
- 8
50 1050 1150 1250 1360
the sampled coral targets
orm of in situ live coral
of 1.7 cm. The individual
tely parallel to each other
terms of their spectral
least reflectance over the
ed by Goniastrea, Porites
hest reflectance. In visible
e “brown mode” of coral
terized by “triple-peaked
Ayers et al. in 1999. This
ally exhibit a depressed
and triple peaks or local
50 nm. Group A corals
absorption feature at 675
izing endo-symbiont algae
sues (Holden and LeDrew,
) nm) these corals show à
urve with central maxim?
pt, steep rise between 6)
ncreases to 820 nm with
characteristic spike located near 760 to 762 nm. This spike is
however a contribution from the atmospheric oxygen and brings
out the limitation of the instrument to outweigh this spike while
sensing and recording the target spectra. Favia spectra shows a
small hump at 728 nm which is absent in rest of the Group A
corals. The spectra show a rapid descent from 820 to 840 nm
followed by a gradual descent over 840 to 910 nm region. Beyond
910 nm the spectra are characterized by a steep descent to the
water absorption feature located at 975nm. The absorption band
depth appears to be a function of the depth of overlying water
column. In the MIR region, the spectra show similar symmetrical
pell-shape architecture with central maxima located at 1070 nm.
Beyond 1150 nm upto 1350 nm the spectra show a featureless
straight line trend except Platygyra which show a plateau at 1270
In case of Group B corals, the spectral architecture as shown by
the Group A corals get considerably modified in the NIR region.
The triple-peaked pattern is quite pronounced in case of
Turbinaria and Goniopora while gets subdued for Symphillia. In
NIR region these corals exhibit a hump at 725 nm which from
Group À only Favia showed at 728 nm. Contrary to the Group A
corals’ steady rise from 710 nm to 820 nm Group B corals show a
peak and valley pattern in this region. Group B corals exhibit a
pronounced descent from 820 to 840 nm deviating from the
Group A trend of gradual descent over 840 to 910 nm. Turbinaria
and Goniopora show a steep, stepped fall from 840 to 890 nm,
900 to 930 nm and 933 to 999 nm interrupted by small spikes at
898 nm and 933nm. This is due to the ripple effect of the water
column present on the targets. The water absorption trough
centered at 975 nm is present for both. Symphyllia though
conforms to the trend of steady descent from 820 to 840 nm but
deviates from the Group B trend in 840 to 950 nm region by
showing a convex drop upto 935 nm. The water absorption
feature of Symphyllia is absent from display in the 950 to 1000
nm region because of negative reflectance values indicating a
strong water column absorption since this coral was submerged
under 8 cm water column- the maximum recorded on field. In
MIR region, however, Group B corals conform to the trend of
Group A corals.
Grup C represented by the bleached coral spectrum of
Turbinaria is characteristically different from the live corals in
UV-Visible region with relatively much higher reflectance values,
shooting up to its maximum at 590 nm (six times as that of its live
counterpart). Right from 350 to 600 nm the bleached coral
Spectrum rises steadily with minor breaks of slopes. Between 590
and 650 nm, this spectrum again show a stepped pattern of
descent with intermittent breaks of slopes. Thereafter, it plunges
down to the chlorophyll absorption trough located at 675 nm.
Unlike the live coral spectra, the bleached coral spectrum has a
Stepped rise up to 710 nm. Beyond 715 nm to 1350 nm this
Spectrum closely follows the trend of live Turbinaria with
characteristic local shoulders and troughs getting vertically
In order to exaggerate the spectral shapes and enhance the subtle
features of the zero-order spectra, the first and second order
derivatives (Figure 6 and 7 respectively) were numerically
calculated over 4nm as finite band resolution. Figure 6 shows 700
and 760 nm as the locations corresponding to peaked coral
reflectance for all the eight corals. However, the peak at 760 nm
is not a contribution from the target. In the visible region two
peaks out of that triple peak at 575 and 600 nm also become
prominent in the first derivative spectra. The first order
derivatives also bring out the characteristic absorption troughs
located over 650 to 675 nm, 800 to 850 nm, 900 to 950 nm and
1100 to 1150 nm for all the eight corals. Moreover, the first
derivative of averaged reflectance appears to provide a good
separability between bleached and live corals over a large spectral
region from 430 to 590 nm. At 631 and 647 nm the first
derivative values of all the live corals are negative while for the
bleached coral it is positive.
2.08.7 Plot: Key
0.05 —
GOL e ia ui m n bo Ln cd
0.03 — — Goniastrea
= Platygyra
Turbinaria (bleached)
0.02 4
0.01 7
0 d en ei I:
First Derivative
-0.01 4
-0.02 4
-0.03 4
-0.04. 4
I T T T T T I E I ]
350 | 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 1250 1350
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 6. First derivatives of the sampled coral spectra
The second derivative of the averaged reflectance identifies 680
to 700 nm region as a window to separate live and bleached coral
spectra. In this region all the live corals record a positive second
derivative value while the bleached coral has a negative value.
The second derivative plot also shows the enhanced reflectance
and absorption features of Symphyllia which rather showed a
subdued zero-order signal because of the maximum water
0.000 ].7—— ro ee on Phat.
Plot: Key
1. Favia
2. Symphyllia
3. Goniopora
4. Porites
—— 8. Goniastrea
Second Derivative
Turbinaria (bleached)
30.030 T T T T- T T T 1
350 450 550 850 750 850 950 1050 1150 1250 1350
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 7. Second derivatives of the sampled coral spectra
The results obtained in this preliminary study suggests that in situ
hyperspectral signatures of corals can be used as an essential
input to study the spectral behaviour of reef building corals. All
seven live corals conform to the general belief of strong reflection