Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

1.3 Aim 
This study aims to investigate the possibilities to estimate 
species-specific (pine, spruce and deciduous trees) mean stem 
volume (V), mean basal area (BA) and basal-area-weighted 
mean tree height (7) at stand level using spectral and 3D data 
from the DMC sensor in combination with ALS DEM data. 
This was performed using the k-MSN estimation framework, as 
described by Packalén et al. (2009). 
2. Materials 
2.1 Study Area and Field Data 
The study area is part of the Remningstorp forest estate, which 
is situated at 58?30' N, 13?40' E (Figure 1). The estate is 
managed for timber production, and has relatively flat terrain. 
The forest is mainly dominated by Norway Spruce (Picea 
abies), Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Birch species (Betula 
Figure 1. The Remningstorp test site (left) and orthophoto of the 
area including field plot positions and stand borders (right). 
Circular field plots (10 m radius) were objectively surveyed 
between 2004 and 2005 using a dense grid sample design, 
which was a regular quadratic grid with 40 m spacing between 
adjacent plots over the 1.0 km by 2.3 km central part of the 
estate. The origin of the grid was allocated randomly. Each plot 
was surveyed using the methods and state-estimating models of 
the Forest Management Planning Package (Jonsson et al, 
1993). For plots with mean tree height less than 4 m or basal- 
area-weighted mean stem diameter at breast height (i.e., 1.3 m 
above ground) less than 5 cm, height and species of all saplings 
and trees were recorded. For the remaining plots, callipering of 
all trees at breast height including only trees greater than 5 cm 
in diameter, and sub-sampling of trees to measure height and 
age, were performed. Heights of remaining callipered trees on 
the plots were estimated using models developed by Sóderberg 
(1992) relating tree height to diameter. Plot location, was 
measured using differential GPS producing sub-meter accuracy. 
Correction of the forest growth between the surveys and the 
date of aerial image acquisition was made by forecasting the 
forest state at each plot to the year 2005, using single tree 
growth models (Sóderberg, 1986). In total, 696 plots were 
surveyed in 69 stands, delineated by a professional photo- 
interpreter using a digital photogrammetric workstation. At 
these plots the tree height range was 1.4-33.0 m (with an 
average of 18.1 m), stem volume 0-829 m? ha'! (249 m ha!) 
and basal area 0.0-62.2 m? ha'! (26.1 m ha”). 
2.2 Remote sensing data 
ALS data were captured in September 2008 by the TopEye Mk 
II system with a wavelength of 1064 nm and a 25 cm footprint. 
This system was operated at a flight altitude of 250 m ag, 
resulting in an average density of 7 pulses per square meter. 
Following the acquisition, each return was classified as a 
ground or non-ground return using the progressive Triangular 
Irregular Network (TIN) densification method (Axelsson, 1999, 
2000) implemented in the TerraScan software (Soininen, 2004). 
Then, a raster DEM with a 0.5 m by 0.5 m cell size was created 
by assigning each cell the mean height value of ground returns 
within the cell. Height values of raster cells without ground 
returns were TIN interpolated using neighboring DEM cells. 
The digital aerial images were acquired on 28 June 2005 (at 
9.40 h local time) with the DMC system operated by 
Lantmäteriet. It consists of four panchromatic and four spectral 
camera heads. The four panchromatic images are stitched into 
one, and merged with the spectral images to create one pan- 
sharpened virtual image with 7680 x 13824 pixels (Hinz et al., 
2001). Eleven images were acquired, at 4800 m a.g.l. using one 
flight strip with 60% along-track image overlap. As result, 
Ground Sampling Distance for the image block is about 0.48 m. 
Images were aerial triangulated using bundle adjustment and 
radiometrically corrected by Lantmáteriet. 
3. Methods 
3.1 Photogrammetric matching and Classification 
Then, photogrammetric image matching was performed using 
the Match-T DSM software version 5.3.1 (Anon, 2011) to 
produce a point cloud data set. This was done by sequential 
multi-matching (Lemaire, 2008), where both least squares and 
feature-based matching were combined. Following Packalén 
and Maltamo (2007), the point cloud was colorized by ray 
tracing each point back to the image plane coordinates, using 
the exterior and interior orientations of the images. Each point 
was assigned its mean spectral value from all images the point is 
visible in, resulting in a NIR, Red and Green colored point 
cloud. Finally, the point cloud height values were normalized by 
subtracting the ALS DEM. 
Based on the spectral data, the tree species class corresponding 
to each point was estimated. This was performed by supervised 
classification using plots with uniform species composition, i.e. 
plots where more than 95% of the field surveyed volume 
constituted of pine, spruce or deciduous trees (40, 351 and 18 
plots, respectively) as training data. All points below 0.5 m were 
regarded as ground points and therefore removed prior to the 
classification. Species classification of the point cloud was 
made using quadratic discriminant analysis with equal priors. 
3.2 Estimation of forest variables 
Ten metrics summarizing the point cloud data, such as height 
distribution and spatial density characteristics, were calculated 
from the tree species classified point cloud using the Fusion 
software package (McGaughey, 2012) developed by US 
Department of Agriculture Forest Service. These metrics Were 
used as independent variables to estimate the addressed forest 
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