Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

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ish with English 
Soderberg, U., 1992. Functions for forest management. Height, 
form height and bark thickness of individual trees. Swedish 
University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest 
Survey, Umea, Sweden, Report 52. 87 pp. (In Swedish with 
English summary). 
Soininen, A., 2004. TerraScan for MicroStation, User's Guide. 
Terrasolid Ltd., Jyvaskyla, Finland. 132 p. 
Stähl, G., 1988. Noggrannheten 1 skogliga data insamlade med 
subjektiva inventeringsmetoder [Accuracy in forest data 
captured with subjective inventory methods]. Swedish 
University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Biometry 
and Forest Management, Umeä, Sweden, Report. (In Swedish). 
Stähl, G., 1992. A study on the quality of compartmentwise 
forest data acquired by subjective inventory methods. Licentiate 
thesis. report 24, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 
Department of Biometry and Forest Management, Umeä, 
Sweden. (in Swedish with English summary).

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