XIX-B8, 2012
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Table 1. Error matrix of the best classification with three
density classes
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Based on this investigation, fuzzy and maximum likelihood
classifiers indicated almost the same and the highest overall
accuracy and kappa coefficient. According to the best band sets,
the distance-based vegetation indices could improve the
classification results slightly.
Considering the low kappa coefficient (0.44), even if reaching
to pretty good overall accuracy (7096), the result of
classification was not desirable because forest canopy is a
continuous variable and the decision boundaries do overlap
[Skidmore ef al., 1988]. Remotely sensed data and classification
methods applied in this research could not well classify forest
density as a continuous variable in this low density forested
area. Similar research confirms this too [Joshi et al., 2006].
Overall, it could be concluded that this approach is not
appropriate for operational mapping of vast Pistachio forests.
Higher spectral and spatial satellite data or multispectral digital
aerial photos such as UltraCam images and object-based
classification should be investigated as an alternative approach.
In this case, the tree crowns could be detected and sum of areas
per ha can be used for density estimation.
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Improved Landsat-based forest mapping in steep mountainous
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Management, 183, 31-46 (2003).
Eastman, J. R., 2006. IDRISI Andes Guide to GIS and Image
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Joshi, C., Leeuw, J. D., Skidmore, A. K., Duren, I. C. V. and
Oosten, H. V., 2006. Remotely sensed estimation of forest
canopy density: a comparison of the performance of four
methods. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation
and Geoinformation, 8, 84-95.
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Natural Resources General Office of Razavi Khorasan
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Skidmore, A. K., Forbes, G.W. and Carpender, D.J., 1988. Non-
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