Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

nspectus of the 
ijing, pp. 8-12. 
Remote sensing 
Mountain, Acta 
ons in China: a 
100, pp.34 -37. 
ed deforestation 
northeast China. 
and patterns of 
n the Changbai 
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transitions and 
analysis of land 
J Remote Sens, 
ind Fundamental 
26305), National 
Young Scholars 
editors for their 
Adam D. Kilpatrick **, Stephen C. Warren-Smith ® John L. Read “, Megan M. Lewis ^, Bertram Ostendorf * 
* School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia - 
(adam.kilpatrick, megan.lewis, bertram.ostendorf, john.read)@adelaide.edu.au 
® Institute of Photonics and Advanced Sensing, The University of Adelaide. Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia — 
stephen. warrensmith@adelaide.edu.au 
*Corresponding author 
Commission VIII, WG VIII/8 
KEY WORDS: Agriculture; Environment; Land Use; GIS; Landsat; Land Cover; Monitoring 
This paper presents a new method for the use of earth-observation images to assess relative land condition over broad regions, using 
a cross-fence comparison methodology. It controls for natural spatial and temporal variables (e.g. rainfall, temperature soils, 
ecosystem) so that we can objectively monitor rangelands and other areas for the effects of management. The method has been tested 
with small and large scale theoretical models, as well as a case study in South Australian rangelands. This method can also be applied 
in other systems and experiments such as field trials of crop varieties as a robust spatial statistic. 
Cross-fence sample pairs are often used in field ecology to 
control spatio-temporal variation allowing a direct comparison 
of grazing pressures. In our method, we extract a very large 
number of cross-fence pairs of pixels from a vegetation index 
(or land cover) raster (figure 1). The average ratio of vegetation 
cover from this cross-fence pair is determined for each fenceline 
in a system, and this cross-fence ratio is used to generate an 
equation for the value of each paddock. The resulting series of 
homogenous linear equations is solved in order to rank each 
paddock objectively. 
Paddock —4——-—* 
Ec Sample 
à à 
Figure 1. Cross-fence sampling layout 
We have tested this methodology successfully using small and 
large model simulations, showing that it reproduces expected 
rankings in those scenarios, and that weighting factors have 
their desired influence if applied. Our theoretical models show 
that the expected land-cover rankings are accurately predicted 
for large systems of paddocks and that grazing gradients as a 
result of the piosphere effect have an influence on paddock 
rankings. We have applied this monitoring methodology to 
Landsat TM images 6 years apart in a region of pastoral and 
mining leases in arid South Australia: changes in land condition 
rank over time conform to those expected as a result of 
documented changes in management over the study period, as 
per expectations documented in various published ecological 
studies of the region. 
This methodology is a significant breakthrough in the analysis 
of remotely sensed data in order to monitor fenced rangelands. 
It has the potential to be applied as the mainstay monitoring 
methodology to detect both good management and management 
leading to overgrazing in millions of square kilometres of 
rangelands in Australia and internationally. Its key attribute is 
its ability to rank paddocks against each other, allowing 
comparisons with paddocks of known management to inform 
decision making. Following on from this research, several new 
avenues are being explored, including spatial models of the 
effects of wind and distance to water on grazing distribution of 
animals in rangelands, methods of defining appropriate scales of 
experimental design in cross-fence studies, methods to automate 
the detection of fencelines and pseudo-fences from imagery and 
the potential to apply this type of analysis to other scenarios, 
such as in field trials of crops using field data. 

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