XXIX-B8, 2012
een | Red
126] 138
1.53] 1.52
1.86] 1.87
07] 1.89
3.00] 2.65
3.58] 3.08
57] 2.05
m Mean
3.231 2.49
46] 2.00
84] 2.36
123] 2.87
90] 3.18
26] 3.67
74] 2.56
the observed and
ase 2
ase 4
ase 6
he MESMA of
a for those dates
Observed data in
ian the blended
Es larger than the
EM models. For
ita reached higher
the blended data,
ch 5, 2005 and
igh no significant
ixels was found
ifferences in the
) were confirmed
| August 12 and
differences were
ifferent dates and
1.00 —
E 0.75
= 0.50
0.25 - *
2004/10/28 2004/11/29 2004/12/15 2005/3/5
Target date
1.00 «
5 j 8S Casel
9 i
£ 0.73 # Case 2
= # Case 3
& 0.50
3 S B Case4
B Case 5
0,23 E Case 6
2005/8/12 2005/9/13 2005/9/29
Target date
Figure 3. Kappa coefficients in EM class accuracy assessment
6.2.2 Class accuracy assessment: Figure 3 illustrates the
kappa coefficients in the accuracy assessment of the dominant
EM classes in the LCF images derived from the observed and
blended reflectance data with different EM libraries. Kappa
coefficients were calculated in the same manner as in the
accuracy assessment of hard-labeled classification maps using
confusion matrices. Low kappa coefficients were chiefly
brought by the unmodeled pixels, unmixing of the blended
reflectance with unrealistic EM combinations, confusion
between two water classes, and overestimation and
underestimation of the LCFs from the blended reflectance due
to the overestimation and under-estimation of reflectance
values. Although Case 5 (observed EM library for observed
data) achieved kappa coefficients higher than 0.86 on all seven
dates, kappa coefficients for other five case varied on different
dates. Kappa coefficients for the LCFs derived from observed
data was generally higher than those derived from blended data
in Comparisons 1 and 3. Low kappa coefficients for Case 1 on
September 13, 2005 and those for Cases 2, 3, 4, and 6 on March
5, August 12, September 13, and September 29 in 2005 implied
the difficulty in collecting the candidate image EM spectra
comprehensively in these seasons. Case 3 had lower kappa
coefficients than Case 1 on all dates except for October 28,
2004, indicating that the inclusion of too many candidate
observed EM spectra on different dates that had true physical
values led to the reduction in the representativeness of the
optimal EM spectra. In contrast, kappa coefficients for Cases 4
and 6 were as similar as or higher than those for Case 2 on most
dates, implying that the observed and blended data had large
difference in their spectral characteristics.
6.2.3 Average absolute difference: The AADs between the
LCFs derived from the observed and blended data were
Summarized in Table 5. Pixels which were unmodeled in either
case of the comparisons were excluded from the calculation.
W2 had the highest AADs of LCFs on all seven dates in the
three comparisons, obtaining higher than 22% of fractions.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
(a) Comparison 1 (Case 1 vs. Case 2)
Date GV | N/SA | W1 | W2 |Mean: class
2004/10/28| 14.7 174] T1 3] 181 15.3
2004/11/29 9.6 13.4| 10.9| 14.5 12.1
2004/12/15 8.2 16.8| 15.1| 26.9 16.8
2005/3/5 13.6 19.7] 13.31. 17.1 15.9
2005/8/12 | 16.1 7.71 11.77] 24.4 15.0
2005/9/13 | 11.1 8.6] 26.4| 32.6 19.7
2005/9129 9.0 132] 46.6] 25.6 16.1
Mean:date| 11.7 13:3] 15.1] 227 15.8
(b) Comparison 2 (Case 3 vs. Case 4)
Date GV | N/ST| W1 | W2 |Mean: class
2004/10/28| 15.8|[ 18.2] 14.01 19.9 17.0
2004/11/29} 11.1 13.5] 124} 16.5 13.4
2004/12/15] 10.4| 17.4] 13.5] 204 15.4
2005/3/5 19.5] 20.0] 13.6] 20.4 18.4
2005/8/12 | 19.0] 11.7| 17.6] 320 20.1
2005/93 | 11.5 9.0| 27.4| 35.9 20.9
2005/00 T 16.8{ 13.51 17.91 279 19.0
Mean: date| 14.9| 14.8} 16.6] 24.7 17.7
(c) Comparison 3 (Case 5 vs. Case 6)
Date GV | N/ST | W1 | W2 |Mean: class
2004/10/28 | 15.81 17.7} 12.2} 23.5 17.3
2004/11/29] 9.5| -136| 117] 169 129
2004/12415] 0.3] -162] 162] 162 14.6
2005/3/5 10,5] 19-11 203) 337 20.9
2005/8412] 156] 130} 182) 350 20.4
2005/913 | 11.0 911 260] 285 18.6
20080291 1397 13.2] 19.0] 250 17.8
Mean: date| 12.3 14.5] 17.6] 25.5 17.5
* Unit: % of land cover fraction
Table 5. Average absolute differences between the LCFs
derived from the observed and blended reflectance data
Mean values of the AADs for each EM class over time revealed
the large difference (larger than 1196) between LCFs derived
from observed reflectance and those derived from blended
reflectance. The temporal variations of the AADs for the two
ground EM land cover types (GV and N/S/I) were smaller than
those for the two water land cover types (W1 and W2) in all
comparisons. In Comparisons 2 and 3, the mean values of the
AADs over the land cover classes on the four dates in 2005
were smaller than those on the three days in 2004, suggesting
that the optimal EM spectra chosen from blended candidate
spectra were not so representative as those chosen from
observed candidate spectra. When mean values of the AADs of
LCFs for all EM land cover classes were compared,
Comparison 1 using the EM spectra collected from the observed
data on the prior and posterior dates achieved the highest values
of the three comparisons. In summary, the LCFs derived from
the blended data achieved strongest agreement with those
derived from the observed reflectance data when the optimal
EM spectra were chosen from the candidate spectra collected
from the observed reflectance data on prior and posterior dates
of the target dates.
This study investigated the applicability of MESMA to the
blended reflectance data generated with ESTARFM utilizing