Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

XXXIX-B8, 2012 
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ty of California at 
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emote Sensing of 
Hiroyuki Miyazaki “*, Koki Iwao °, Ryosuke Shibasaki * 
* Center for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan - (heromiya, shiba)@csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp 
^ National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan — iwao.koki@aist.go.jp 
Commission VIII, WG VIII/8 
KEY WORDS: coverage catalogue, urban area, gazetteer, ASTER, metadata database 
We developed an algorithm to determine a combination of satellite images according to observation extent and image quality. The 
algorithm was for testing necessity for completing coverage of the search extent. The tests excluded unnecessary images with low 
quality and preserve necessary images with good quality. The search conditions of the satellite images could be extended, indicating 
the catalogue could be constructed with specified periods required for time series analysis. We applied the method to a database of 
metadata of ASTER satellite images archived in GEO Grid of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 
(AIST), Japan. As indexes of populated places with geographical coordinates, we used a database of 3372 populated place of more 
than 0.1 million populations retrieved from GRUMP Settlement Points, a global gazetteer of cities, which has geographical names of 
populated places associated with geographical coordinates and population data. From the coordinates of populated places, 3372 
extents were generated with radiuses of 30 km, a half of swath of ASTER satellite images. By merging extents overlapping each 
other, they were assembled into 2214 extents. As a result, we acquired combinations of good quality for 1244 extents, those of low 
quality for 96 extents, incomplete combinations for 611 extents. Further improvements would be expected by introducing pixel- 
based cloud assessment and pixel value correction over seasonal variations. 
Urbanization has been a main concern for regional and global 
environmental change (Foley et al., 2005) and socio-economic 
problems (Angel, Sheppard, and Civco, 2005). Various kinds of 
studies have used satellite-derived global urban area maps to 
evaluate critical aspects of urbanization for global 
environmental change, such as size, scale and form of cities and 
conversion of land cover. The studies using global urban area 
map had provided valuable information of urbanization 
especially for less documented regions. As the studies on 
urbanization progressed, however, 1-km spatial resolution of 
global urban area map have gotten obsolete for measuring 
spatial structure of urban area in fine scale (Angel, Sheppard, 
and Civco, 2005) and for modelling land use conversion with 
socio-economic variables (Nelson and Robertson, 2007). 
Developing high-resolution urban area map would be key issue 
for promoting new insights on urban dynamics. Several studies 
had developed urban area map only for their cases using high- 
resolution satellite images (e.g. Landsat, Terra/ASTER, 
IKONOS and Quickbird) and shown valuable outcome; 
however mapping urban area using high-resolution satellite 
images involves considerable time and labour cost. It prevents 
comprehensive and comparative studies on urban dynamics on 
world’s cities. 
Extents of urban area are often broader than coverage of a 
satellite images. Therefore, you are required to collect satellite 
images for a city when you conduct satellite-based analysis of 
urban area of the city. We regard ready-to-use collection of 
satellite images for every city will promote comprehensive 
studies of urban area using satellite images. In this paper, we 
present a method for constructing catalogues of satellite images 
of cities of the world. We also present a result of the method 
applied to metadata database of ASTER satellite images for 
3372 cities of the world. 
The procedure for selecting satellite images for a city from 
millions of scenes of ASTER/VNIR is as following: defining 
inclusion extent, within which we constructed a mosaic of 
satellite images for a target crowd of cities (COC); sending a 
spatial query to identify scenes covering the inclusion extent; 
and assigning the orders to reduce cloud contamination. Here, 
we describe each step. 
2.1 Defining urban extent of cities 
For the urban area mapping, we had to define the spatial extent 
to be mapped. Fortunately, many existing maps of broad scale 
have already spatially indexed the cities of the world with 
geographical coordinates. Among them, we employed GRUMP 
Settlement Points (GSP; http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/gpw/), 
a global gazetteer of populated places, as a primary index of the 
cities. The first reason of using it is that it had an almost 
complete coverage for the cities of more than 1000 population. 
Second, it had been manually associated to geographical 
coordinates of the cities. This direct human input is 
indispensable for accurate association of place names with 
geographic data because insufficient information from the 
source prevents automatic matching (Doerr and Papagelis, 
2007). Third, GSP includes the estimated population of each 
city, which can be used to order priority of the urban area 

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