Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

| XXXIX-B8, 2012 
rofile A 
unami flooded area 
lometer span buffer from coastline 
unami damage. rank 
a4nami damage rank2 
unami damage, rank3 
tion (5 meters grid) 
e and LIDAR DEM 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
{3 Tsunami flooded area 
[773 1 kilometer span buffer from coastline 
Tsunami damage rank1 
Tsunami damage rank2 
1 Tsunami damage, rank3 
Type of land use 
Building area 
Artificial traffic area 
Land for other use 
River or Lakes 
it Sea water 
ÿ Golf course 
Figure 9. Overlay of tsunami damage and land use 
2) The heavily damaged area (Rank 2) was observed up to 
3 or 4km from the coastline. Flooded depth of this area 
is over 1.5m, and the elevation of this area is less than 
Im. There is a good relationship between location of 
damaged area of rank 2 and elevation. 
3) The flood only area (Rank 3) was observed up to 4 or 
5km from coastline. Flooded depth of this area was less 
than 1.5m, and there is a good relationship between 
location of damaged area and landform classification. 
For instance, a certain area in valley plain and flooded 
plain was not affected by the tsunami, even though an 
area with almost the same height in coastal plain and 
delta was flooded. 
3.3 Relationship between tsunami damage and elevation on 
cross section 
For the discussion of relationship between tsunami damage 
level and landform condition such as flooded depth and 
elevation, we produced 6 cross sections of elevation of ground 
surface and tsunami flooded height along EW direction. The 
results are shown in figure 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. 
The area of tsunami damage level rank 1 is limited within 
lkm area from the coastline. This area has a little higher 
elevation such as 1-3m, and flooded depth of this area is over 
4m. Just after tsunami ran over a little higher landform such as 
sand dune or sand bar to lowland with Om elevation such as 
coastal plain or delta, the tsunami flooded height was decreased 
suddenly and the tsunami damage level was changed from rank 
1 to rank 2 (figure 10, 11). 
On the north of the mouth of Abukuma River, the width of 
sand bar, which is about 500m, is narrower than other area. At 
the area of 500m from the coastline, elevation of ground surface 
decreases from 2m to Om, and tsunami flooded depth also 
decreased from 5m to 2m, and the tsunami damage level was 
changed from rank 1 to rank 2 (figure 12). 
In the area close to JR Yamashita Station, the elevation of 
ground surface and tsunami flooded height are decreased 
suddenly from 2m to Om and from 7m to 3m respectively at the 
position of 500m from coastline, but tsunami damage level does 
not change (figure 13). The boundary line between rank 1 and 
rank 2 was located at 900m from the coastline. We assumed the 
reason of difference of tsunami flood damage to another area is 
brought by the difference of land use and landform. Forest is 
dominant with wide width on sand bar in the northern area from 
Abukuma River, but other farmland is dominant with narrow 
width on sand bar in the southern area from Abukuma River. It 
may be presumable that difference of distribution of the 
completely destroyed area was brought by difference of 
roughness of ground surface, such as forest and other farmland. 
In the southern part of Yamamoto Town, the boundary line 
between tsunami damage level rank 1 and rank 2 was located in 
1.5km from the coastline (figure 14, 15). We assumed the 
reason of difference of location of the boundary line is brought 
by the difference of elevation of sand dune or sand bar 
compared to another area. As the elevation of sand dune or sand 
bar in the southern Yamamoto Town is about 1m, the tsunami 
flooded height did not change just after tsunami run over sand 
dune or sand bar. The tsunami flooded depth was over 4m at 
1.5km from the coastline, the tsunami damage level did not 
IUZXTEumamidemage Monki 7 TS 
DO s Tsunami damage Rank2 
^ Tsunami damage, Renkà 
7 Nen-flecded area 
» Fícoded height measured by jcint 
Survey Group 
d » Ffooded heïght measured by MMS 
a Flooded height measured by fieid 
(1) voneARI3 
Distance from coastline {m} 
Figure 10. Cross section along EW direction of ground surface 
and tsunami flood depth on profile A (Yuriage, Natori City) 

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