Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

(a) 1979 
0. 5 10 
Land use/cover in Danang city 
- 2009 
(b) 2003 
(c) 2009 
20 30 40 
Figure 3. Land use/cover maps of Danang city area 
2003 Agriculture Barren Urban Forest Shrub Water 2003 Total 
Agriculture 2651.22 1125.45 644.76 2303-10. 2611.35 176.13 9512.01 
Barren 240.12 314.01 305.28 412.47 461.25 37.89 1771.02 
Urban 1053.00 1463.67 | 4690.44 2082.87 . 1338.84 271.89 10900.71 
Forest 3710.16 453.42 130.95  54105.21 1761.21 72.00 60232.95 
Shrub 4125.78 584.46 315.81 2740.41 3290.49 112.41 11169.36 
Water 267.75 371.16 228.06 327.96 322.00... 1714.23 3231.18 
1979 Total 12048.03 4312.17 6315.30 61972.02 9785.16 2384.55 
Change 1979-2003 -2536.02 -2541.15 458541 -1739.07 1384.20 846.63 
(a) 1979-2003 
2009 Agriculture Barren Urban Forest Shrub Water 2009 Total 
Agriculture 2022.75 129.15 666.36 3016.53 1428.57 31.68 7301.79 
Barren 103.5 101.34 145.26 896.31 427.59 32.94 1711.8 
Urban 3990.69 750.06 8621.73 783.45 2417.58 697.77 17329.68 
Forest 1166.76 201.42 381.69. 52895.25- 3126.06 125.28 58006.26 
Shrub 2074.23 520.02 739.17 2525.13 3624.66 89.1 9587.7 
Water 148.32 68.31 335.7 61.56 139.05 2221.56 3008.34 
2003 Total 9512.01 1771.02 1090098. . 60232.95 .. 1116936. 3231.18 
Change 2003-2009 -2210.22 -59.22 6428.7 -2226.69  -1581.66 -222.84 
(b) 2003-2009 
Table 4. Matrices of land use/cover 
During 1979-2003, results showed that agriculture, barren 
and forestry decreased strongly while urban area, shrub and 
water body increased, notably the raising of urban area. Table 
4(a) indicated that the expansion of urban area was the most 
dramatic changes in the region, which was the result of 
promptly growing up of economic after applying “DOI MOI” 
policy. Based on statistic, 4585.41ha of urbanized area in this 
period was calculated, which was nearly as large as the 
coverage of urban area in 1979, thus representing an increase 
changes in Danang city, Vietnam in hectares 
of 73%. Analysing the component of the conversion of growth in 
urban area, 42.6% was converted from forestry, 25.3% from 
barren and 22.3% from shrub. The coverage of water body 
between 1979 and 2003 was significant difference because of the 
construction of two new reservoirs in study area. In second period, 
from 2003 to 2009, urban area was the only one which 
continuously increased, whereas the other classes decreased. 
Statistic from Table 4(b) showed the amount of urbanized area as 
6428.7ha. The increase of urban area could be represented 
as 59% 
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