Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
B. Schoettker * *, R. Searle °, M. Schmidt “, S. Phinn * 
* The School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Queensland, 4072 St Lucia, 
Queensland, Australia — b.schoettker@ug.edu.au 
? Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Ecosciences Precinct, 4102 Dutton Park, Queensland, 
* Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management, Remote Sensing Centre 
Environment and Resource Sciences Ecosciences Precinct, 4102 Dutton Park, Queensland, Australia 
Commission VIII/8: Land 
KEY WORDS: vegetation, dynamic, multisensor, erosion modelling, MODIS, terrestrial, management. 
This study demonstrates the potential applicability of high temporal frequency information on the biophysical condition of the 
vegetation from a time series of the global Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Fraction of Photosynthetically 
Active Radiation absorbed by vegetation (FPAR) from 2000 to 2006 (collection 4; 8-day composites in 1 km spatial resolution) to 
improve modelling of soil loss in a tropical, semi-arid catchment in Queensland. 
Combining the biophysical information from the MODIS FPAR with structural vegetation information from the Geoscience Laser 
Altimeter System on the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) for six vegetation structural categories identified from a 
Landsat Thematic Mapper 5 (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper 7 (ETM+) woody foliage projective cover product representing 
floristically and structurally homogeneous areas, dynamic vegetative cover factor (vCf) estimates were calculated. The dynamic vCf 
were determined in accordance with standard calculation methods used in erosion models worldwide. Time series of dynamic vCf 
were integrated into a regionally improved version of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) to predict daily soil losses for the 
study area. Resulting time series of daily soil loss predictions averaged over the study area coincided well with measures of total 
suspended solids (TSS) (mg/l) at a gauge at the outlet of the catchment for three wet seasons (R? of 0.96 for a TSS-event). By 
integrating the dynamic vCf into modified USLE, the strength of the dependence of daily soil loss predictions to the only other 
dynamic factor in the equation - daily rainfall erosivity - was reduced. 
1.1 Motivation and aim 
The relevance of the vegetative cover components to mitigate 
soil loss effects by water and their potential to improve water 
quality downstream is widely accepted and has been proven 
valid over a range of ecosystems worldwide (Renard, Smith et 
al. 1997; Vrieling 2006; de Asis and Omasa 2007). 
High quality information on the biophysical and structural 
properties of the total vegetation cover (TVC), optimally taken 
at high temporal frequency, is thus indispensable to support 
sustainable Natural Resource Management (NRM) of land and 
water. This is particularly valid in complex and highly dynamic 
savanna ecosystems, such as the tropical, semi-arid coastal 
catchments of Queensland adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef 
(GBR), where key challenges include declining water quality, 
land degradation and soil erosion, and terrestrial discharges into 
the lagoon (Hutchings and Hoegh-Guldberg 2008). 
Remote sensing applications and broad-scale catchment 
modelling offer invaluable potential to complement classical 
field-based NRM in the assessment of temporal and spatial 
aspects of soil erosion in the savanna ecosystems of these 
tropical, semi-arid coastal catchments of Queensland (Searle 
* Corresponding author. 
and Ellis 2009). However, tropical savannas pose a particular 
challenge to remote sensing applications due to abundant 
senescent plant material being present at most times of the year 
in a structurally complex and heterogeneous landscape (Asner 
1998), which all influence the biophysical and spectral 
properties of TVC at canopy and landscape (Asner and 
Wessman 1997). 
For the detection of non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) in 
remote sensing applications the wavelength of 
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (400-700 nm) has 
also proven useful, since PAR is not always used for 
photosynthesis (‘functional PAR’) (Asner 1998; Thomas, Finch 
et al. 2006). A significant component of incident PAR can be 
absorbed by NPV material in savanna ecosystems, particularly 
in areas with a leaf area index (LAI) of less than 3.0; standing 
grass litter canopies absorbed almost as much PAR as green 
grass canopies (Asner 1998). How much PAR is absorbed at the 
landscape scale is greatly affected by overstorey (trees) but the 
relative differences in absorbed radiation are also affected by 
the understorey (mostly grasses) LAI. 
Global remotely sensed products provide free of charge, high 
temporal estimates of biophysical properties that relate to 
relevant ecosystem structure and function and provide estimates 
of vegetation structure at different scales. Examples of these are

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