Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

IX-B8, 2012 
PAR vCf (eq. 2) 
GI vCf, while the 
h higher. This is 
ce of the rainfall 
losses are mostly 
ons with high vCf 
hest predicted soil 
for the study area 
flow and changed 
(such as increased 
0mparison to an 
nts of cumulative 
imflow at Myuna 
and TSS measures 
nset of events and 
nconsistencies are 
8 s 3$ 
FparErosion {t/10 000) 
Streamflow (cumec/s) 
* s: % 
Fparkrosion {t/10 000) 
Steeamflow (tumec/s) 
Streamflow (cumoec/4) 
FparBrusion (t/10 000) 
e) and streamflow 
nd predicted soil 
) 000 for scaling 
(a) 2003/2004, (b) 
| soil loss was 
| Figure lor eq. 2 
GC. Data sources: 
v from QDERM. 
b, and c. 
. The wet season 
between all three 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Similarities between time series of TSS measures and soil loss 
predictions for certain parts of events are strong. À linear 
regression TSS (mg/l) and FparEros (t) suggests that 74% to 
96% of the variability in TSS measures of certain sub-event 
over the wet season 2004/2005 could be explained by the 
MODIS FPAR based soil loss predictions, e.g. for the period 
between 9.12.2004 and 01.02.2005 (results not shown). 
Integrating high temporal frequency vCf predictions into USLE 
is suggested to reduce the dominant effect the only other high- 
temporal frequency factor (R-factor) had on the soil loss 
predictions. A polynomial equation fitted to the relationship 
between daily soil loss predictions made using the high 
temporal frequency vCf estimates from eq. 2 using the MODIS 
FPAR time series and average daily rainfall has an R? of 0.74 
(Figure 5). 
- . y= 26.731x? + 1674.3x + 95.632 
Es: 300000 R^- 0.9313 
wn U 
2 £ & 250000 
= oo > 
0 E = 
^ 5 9 200000 
vo 50 
9$ ug 
© 7 3 150000 
"C © 
RE © 100000 
= 0 
co 50000 
0 20 40 60 80 
average daily rainfall (mm) 
Figure 4. The relationship between daily soil loss predictions 
made using the classical, annual vCf estimates and average daily 
eo y = 212.09x? + 7710.6x + 957.61 
4 8 2000000 A R2= 0.7825 E 
=z ; 
5 "T e 
a £ {1500000 
95c + 7 
5 2 & 1000000 7 
Ron i fii 
EZ e e tnt 
> - 
z E 500000 " 
+ ide 
0 4 ^ : : 
0 20 40 60 80 
average daily rainfall (mm) 
Figure 5. The relationship between daily soil loss predictions 
made using the high temporal frequency vCf estimates from eq. 
2 using the MODIS FPAR time series and average daily 
In comparison, the relationship between soil loss predictions 
using the formerly used, annual vCf estimates and daily rainfall 
lies at R° of 0.93 (Figure ) (p < 0.001) (Figure 4 and 5). This is 
taken as an indication of the reduction of a strong temporal 
dependency of the USLE-based soil loss predictions on the 
daily rainfall/-erosivity factor when integrating high temporal 
frequency vCf estimates. 
Limitations of this feasibility study are predominantly related to 
the use of the empirical USLE (e.g. development and validation 
and thus validity of the (R)USLE, no account for sediment 
transport or storage, sensitivity to variations and scale of input 
factors, no account for streambank or gully erosion, tendency to 
overestimate soil losses) (Kinnell 2005). It also has to be 
acknowledged that the interpretation of TSS concentrations is 
not the only factor to consider when interpreting the soil loss 
predictions. Also, the vCf equations were not developed for 
FPAR measures. Nevertheless, Searle and Ellis (2009) suggest 
that their R/USLE variable cover model as applied in this study 
made sensible erosion estimates in semi-arid savannas in 
Australia and the MODIS FPAR has been shown to be sensitive 
to relevant vegetation properties (Schoettker, Scarth et al. 
Whether the observed relationship between remotely sensed vCf 
based soil loss predictions and in stream TSS measures 
represents event-typical behaviour, such as supply limited or 
transport limited events, cannot be clearly identified at this 
stage without further field based data. 
This study has provided the first suitability study of MODIS 
FPAR as an additional input parameter for estimating vCf in 
combination with information from ICESat and Landsat based 
VSC to improve existing erosion modelling studies and 
applications in a tropical semi-arid savanna ecosystem. 
Integrating those dynamic vCf into a modified version of the 
USLE, we presented the first high temporal frequency time 
series of soil loss predictions for the study area. 
The high-temporal frequency vCf predictions of this thesis 
might be regarded as a new and promising approximation of the 
antecedent catchment conditions. We propose we have provided 
valuable results to show steps towards required improvement of 
existing erosion modelling approach in the study area, and 
possibly elsewhere. Yet, the soil loss predictions of this study 
have to be interpreted with care until a future study can validate 
the predictions. 
Future research aims to identify drivers of observed temporal 
and spatial variations in soil loss predictions (e.g. by using 
physical based erosion models, multivariate analysis, including 
more recent discharge events and using the new collection of 
MODIS FPAR data). Further research also intends to validate 
the dynamic, remotely sensed vCf predictions with existing field 
data of ground cover and foliage projective cover, compare to 
vCf predictions based on a Landsat fractional ground cover 
product, a predicted Landsat FPAR product (Schoettker, Scarth 
et al. 2010). Developing FPAR based vCf equations and 
improved CanCov calculations is suggested as a target for 
future remote sensing studies that could combine optical, radar, 
and laser remote sensing techniques (Lucas, Lee et al. 2010). 
To finally quantify the linkages between the spatially and 
temporally variable vegetative cover, rainfall and erosion 
processes and their impact on the adjacent riverine and coastal 
environments is a continuing task for inter-disciplinary 
This study was partly funded through a University of 
Queensland Research Scholarship and was supported by CSIRO 
Land and Water, Canberra (A/Prof Arnold Dekker). The authors 
would like to thank Colin Rosewell for his advice, Peter Scarth, 
and Robert Denham for their involvement in determining the 
potential usability of the MODIS FPAR in the study area. 
A similar Figure to Figures 1 has been published in Schoettker, 
Scarth et al. (2010). 
Asner, G. P., 1998. Biophysical and biochemical sources of 
variability in canopy reflectance. Remote Sensing of 
Environment 64(3) pp. 234-253.

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