Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

> XXXIX-B8, 2012 
nd in upstream of the 
itersheds as shown in 
rshed is calculated. 
ivati basin 
s in Indravathi basin 
… As per the model 
b-watershed number 
b-watershed number 
ub-watersheds of 
| « &: Slight (P6) 
| 5- 10: Moderate (P5) 
| 10 - 20: High (P4) 
| 20 - 40: Very High (P3 
| 40 - 80: Severe (P2) 
| 80: Very Severe (P1) 
EH-CH-H — — HEN 
) 60 km 
Sub-Watersheds in 
intensity. From the 
' watersheds falls in 
class; P1) is 11. It is 
itersheds falls in P2, 
115 respectively. 
(P1) are found in 
9ss from these sub- 
e sub-watersheds in 
in upstream of the 
-watersheds is 18.87 
s» that though the 
'ones is 9.88, but it 
asin. Therefore, it is 
hese two zones. The 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
area that falls under third priority zone (P3) is 20.52 % and it 
contributes 30.88 % of total soil loss. It is found that forth, fifth 
and sixth priority zones together contribute 69.59 % of total 
area and soil loss from these three zones is 33.59 % of total soil 
A quantitative assessment of soil loss is made using Universal 
Soil Loss Equation for Indravati catchment. All the thematic 
layers of R, K, LS and C are integrated to generate erosion risk 
map to find out spatial distribution of soil loss within the GIS 
environment. Since the USLE model does not take into account 
transportation and deposition, the actual sediment yield at the 
outlet is likely to be less than the estimated. Generated soil loss 
map is also able to indicate high erosion risk area which is 
useful to soil conservationist and decision makers. Prioritization 
of all 424 sub-watersheds in the Indravathi basin is carried out 
according to soil loss intensity for soil conservation purpose. 
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