Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

me XXXIX-B8, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Costs Remark 
Aircraft 18k€ 12 flight hours, 3 days, 
includes amortisation 
Fees 3k€ Flight clearance, airport 
fees, etc. 
Personnel 3k€ Travel costs, wages, 
costs etc. 
Table 4. Costs for airborne monitoring of three coverages in 
Hamburg including crews and operators. 
4.3 Price calculation 
The provider of an airborne rapid mapping service acquires 
high resolution georeferenced image data in real time. The 
service can be activated by international or national 
organizations, e.g. by the International Charter, and should 
therefore be comparable to commercial high resolution satellite 
scenes in terms of costs, delivery times, etc. 
Based on the example Hamburg, three satellite scenes with 
highest resolution e.g. Worldview, Quickbird with high priority 
cost around 20 to 30k€, i.e. for this example the operational 
costs are comparable. More generalized, the airborne 
operational costs for providing georeferenced image scenes are 
approximately 10€/km?. For economic feasibility, the final 
prices for airborne image scenes will be higher to cover the 
investment costs (Tab. 4). Thus, the final price will depend 
mainly on the desired reaction time and the targeted regions in 
terms of the different scenarios A to D. 
Different low-cost camera systems for real-time disaster 
monitoring are presented and the major differences between 
them are clarified. The 3K and 3K-- camera system mounted on 
a turboprop-engined aircraft enables the police and other rescue 
forces to have a detailed and up-to-date overview of disaster 
areas. The CHICAGO camera system has slightly less coverage 
but is able to monitor events and other hot spots for a longer 
period of time. The processing system, which is closely 
connected to the cameras aboard the aircraft, has the advantage 
of having direct access to the uncompressed and fully-detailed 
images. These large images are handled efficiently with the 
help of GPU-accelerated processing and modern image 
processing algorithms. The orthorectification and the traffic- 
data extraction are fast enough to allow a continuous image 
acquisition with a high quality index. Depending on the 
mission goals high-resolution orthorectified images and/or 
current traffic data can be sent to the ground in real time. 
Possible operational scenarios are discussed and differ mainly 
in the costs depending on the desired reaction time. The assets 
and drawbacks of operational airborne emergency mapping are 
discussed in comparison to satellite image acquisition. 
In the future, it is planned to design a highly integrated, light- 
weight sensor in order to equip other smaller aircrafts with 
similar monitoring systems. Moreover, other object recognition 
methods are going to be implemented to extend the system's 
field of applications, e.g. crowd analysis. 
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Very High Resolution Satellite Images of City Areas. In: IEEE 
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2008. Towards automatic near real-time traffic monitoring with 
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Rosenbaum, D, Leitloff, J., Kurz, F., Meynberg, O. & Reize, 
T., 2010. Real-Time Image Processing for Road Traffic Data 
Extraction from Aerial Images. In: Technical Commission VII 
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Sirmacek, B. & Reinartz, P., 2011. Automatic crowd density 
and motion analysis in airborne image sequences based on a 
probabilistic framework. In: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE ICCV 
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Motion in Imagery Streams (ARTEMIS'11), Nov. 2011, 
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