Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

Table 1: RMS residual of individual least-squares fits for each 
traverse route. 
| Parameter fit | Traverse | n | Residual RMS | 
| A (linear and cubic) [| South — [| 70 | 0.034 | 
West 82 0.19 
East 93 0.16 
LGB 36 0.051 
B (linear) South 70 0.034 
West 82 0.24 
East 93 0.2 
LGB 36 0.056 
B1 (cubic) South 70 0.039 
West 82 0.22 
East 93 0.19 
LGB 36 0.052 
This work forms an important first step in establishing an empiri- 
cal link between SMB and remotely-sensed scatterometer-derived 
parameters in Antarctica. While significant spread in SMB re- 
trieval is observed from challenging surface conditions, i.e, from 
the Wilkes Land West and East traverse routes, it is encourag- 
ing to see similarly accurate retrievals of SMB values from geo- 
graphically distant locations and from different altitudes/snowfall 
We aim to extend this work by empirically linking SMB to scatter- 
ometer-derived parameter retrievals using more extensive ground 
validation, i.e., as in Lenaerts et al. (2012). Furthermore, addi- 
tional ground truthing will be provided by the Norway-US tra- 
verse ground penetrating radar data, which gives long-term SMB 
average from the deposition of the Tambora volcanic eruption 
emissions (71816) to 2007, high on the Antarctic plateau (Müller 
et al., 2010). 
It is clear that more accurate SMB retrievals will require the use 
of complementary remote sensing data, either in the form of dif- 
ferent frequency scatterometer data (altering the penetration depth, 
volume backscatter from snow grains, and surface backscatter 
from sastrugi/microrelief), fully polarimetric scatterometer data 
(allowing better characterisation of surface scattering), visible/ 
near IR surface grain size data, or inclusion of passive microwave 
emission data. The last option, a fusion of passive and active mi- 
crowave observations, is being addressed in current work. 
This work was supported by the Australian Government's Co- 
operative Research Centres Program through the Antarctic Cli- 
mate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC). 
ASCAT Level 1B data were provided by the EUMETSAT Data 
Centre version 3 (http://www.eumetsat.int). The authors wish to 
thank J. Jacka and B. Legrésy for discussions about snow/firn 
structure/metamorphism and radar backscatter from snow/firn re- 
spectively. The authors also wish to thank M. “Duk” Craven for 
providing and assisting with the LGB traverse data, and G. Hy- 
land for helpful comments on the manuscript. 
On the 23rd March 2012 at the age of 51 Neil Adams passed 
away suddenly. He leaves behind him a tremendous legacy to the 
Antarctic and meteorological community. Neil has been nation- 
ally and internationally recognised for his dedication to, and role 
in, advancing the science and wide-spread application of meteo- 
rology particularly in the fields of data presentation, high-latitude 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
meteorology and service provision. Neil contributed to several 
national and international polar-related committees/forums. His 
many authored and co-authored peer-reviewed papers are further 
testament to his inherent professionalism and expertise. Neil is 
sadly missed by his many colleagues in the Antarctic community. 
Biography provided by P. Reid, Australian Bureau of Meteorol- 
ogy (Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research). 
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