Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

38, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
a fine object is decided based on the majority rule of pixel- 
based spectral classes within it. 
New set of rule is established with regards to fine objects and 
their newly derived properties. As the potential damage area can 
be delineated from coarse level processing, this fine level 
processing mainly focuses in detection of intact building roofs. 
First, high NDVI and low NIR values are used here to eliminate 
small vegetation and water objects. The other 3 parameters, ie. 
pixel-based spectral class, morphological profiles and shape 
index, are integrated in a decision-making scheme to decide the 
likelihood of an object to be a building. All of them are rescaled 
to 1-9. The shape index plays some form of quantitative 
measure, i.e. building is often a compact object, whereas the 
other two are more like qualitative measures. The higher the 
shape index value of an object is, the more likely it is a building 
roof. Now, the operator needs to make the final decision in this 
multi-criteria evaluation scheme. 
Boundaries for 
fine processing 
Morphological profile 
Shape index 
Pixel-based classification 
NDVI Objects 
Rule-based analysis 
Detected objects 
Figure 2. Fine level processing 
The fully automatic processing can produce the detected objects 
using some predefined thresholds and rules. However, to ensure 
a good accuracy, the final step is designed for user's decision 
following the experiences that it is still difficult to detect the 
damage with current high-resolution satellite images (Ehrlich et 
al. 2009, Vu and Ban 2010). This is also the main reason why 
the rule-based analysis is chosen in development, which allows 
the users to input their knowledge to control the process. An 
automated classification, even adopting some complex machine 
learning algorithms, still cannot be reliable if the data has their 
own limitation. 
2.3 Design for parallel implementation 
As breaking into 2 levels, a big object formed on coarse level 
play as the tertiary to focus fine level processing within its 
boundary. The first goal of this design is not to analyse in 
details a homogeneous big object and hence, to speed up the 
processing. More importantly, the idea behind is to allow a 
parallel way of implementation in which the piece of 
information within each heterogeneous object will be delegated 
to a separate CPU. By this way, both data- and task- based 
implementation would be achieved. 
In addition, the most computational-time-consuming modules 
such as region merging and morphological profile will be 
implemented with MPI (Message Passing Interface) in line with 
implementing the tsunami damage estimation system 
(Koshimura et al. 2010). A test on image of different sizes of 
those two modules is depicted in Figure 3. Computation time 
drastically increases when the image size is 1024x1024 pixels, 
especially with region merging. The test used a parameter of 32 
for K-mean clustering prior to applying the SRM, which seems 
to be unnecessarily many. When an operator has some prior 
knowledge about the study area and ensures a limited number of 
land-cover classes, the number of classes can be reduced and so 
the computation time for region merging does. 
As mentioned, the proposed solution is to assist the participants 
in the crowd to response to a catastrophe event. Thus, different 
implementation methods will be considered and deployed to 
suit the platform availability of various operators. The 
implementation aspect will be reported in next publication. 
*»Morphscale *4r "SRM 
— 3000 
= 2500 
» m N 
© © © 
& 8 & 
64x64 128x128 256x256 512x512 1024x1024 
Image size 
Computation time (seco 
Figure 3. Computational time (Morphscale for morphological 
profile, SRM for region merging) 
Ban Nam Ken village, one of the most affected areas due to the 
2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was selected as the study area with 
a QuickBird image captured on 2 January 2005, about a week 
after the tsunami attack. For demonstration of the developed 
solution, a portion of 1024x1024 was extracted, containing 
various surface types like vegetation, water, intact building roof, 
collapsed buildings and open soil, as shown in Figure 4a. The 
colour composite of brightness, greenness and homogeneous 
indices as the result of coarse level processing is illustrated in 
Figure 4b. 
8g s * 
K: Brightness, G: Greenness, B: Homogeneous 
R: NIR, a: Red, B: Green 
{a} (b) 
Figure 4. (a) False Colour Composite of original QuickBird 
image and (b) coarse level result 
It is obvious that the bluish areas, i.e. low brightness, low 
greenness and high homogenous values, are the homogenous 
surface water areas and ignored in further fine processing. The 
greenness areas, however, needed to be reconfirmed with NDVI 

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