Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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11. World Bank maintains information systems on space acquired data 
12 FAO maintains satellite imageries that are being used for 
executing its projects; currently proposing to develop a 
catalogue for aerial imagery 
13. IGU (International Geographical Union), currently planning to 
develop an international geographical information system 
related to subjects on space and aerial systems 
14. International Cartography Association and similar international 
societies are planning a variety of information systems 
appropriate with their disciplines 
Adigun Ade Abiodun, a Nigerian, was graduated at the 
University of Washington in Seattle. He served with the 
US Army Corps of Engineers, and as a hydraulic systems 
engineer with the Boeing Company. He joined the academic 
staff of the University of Ife in Ile-Ife, Nigeria from 
1971-1977. He was awarded a fellowship which was 
tenable at the Canada Center for Remote Sensing. Dr. 
Abiodun joined the United Nations, New York, in 1977 
where he is presently Expert on Space Applications 
and Chief of the Space Applications Section. 
Abiodun 7 

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