Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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v) a further period of short duration that will focus on 
the most advanced techniques should be provided to the 
most promising participants in (iv) above. On their return 
to their countries, such individuals should be in a 
position to take over the responsibility for developing 
appropriate, advanced remote sensing laboratories in their 
respective countries and/or regions; 
vi) the United Nations will serve as a liaison between the 
sponsoring and the host institutions/governments. 
N.B. The concept of 'teams' education and training should be 
considered, since remote sensing applications necessitate 
the development of the interpretation as well as the 
maintenance of sophisticated equipment. Such teams should 
consist of applied scientists and electronics technicians. 
This would be established at stage (iii) when the training 
necessary to maintain basic digital analysis equipment and 
field measurement equipment would have been provided for 
the technicians, in association with the education and 
training programme of the interpreters. This association 
of scientists and technicians in education and training in 
teams should be maintained through periods (iv), (v) and 
With special reference to remote sensing education and training, 
the possibility of establishing an international United Nations 
Scientific civil service should be seriously considered. This 
proposal arises because of the requirement to provide education and 
training at several different levels in many different regions and 
environments, in which the programmes need to be related to those 
environments, and for which experience is required to provide i 
appropriate adjustments based on standard methodologies. Furthermore, 
existing secondments of personnel for a period of one to two years 
have proved inadequate to enable such personnel to become established 
and subsequently use their time effectively for the purposes for which 
they were engaged. As a solution, United Nations-based scientific 
Staff, provided with United Nations-infrastructural support in 
housing, social and educational back-up for their families, could 
operate efficiently more or less immediately on arrival at their 
duty stations. Such a proposal should incorporate the provision 
of United Nations-teams of experts who could demonstrate and teach 
multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary methods and techniques. 
The team could also include teachers who would provide training in 
equipment maintenance, thereby demonstrating how education and 
training programmes and remote sensing applications and equipment 
may be established and maintained as integrated programmes. 
Abiodun 10 

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