Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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to offer assistance to overseas udents to study at the ITC, whereas they 
are now encouraging and contributing towards the establishment of local 
institutions and offer fellowships enable in such institutions to students 
from both the host country” and- outside the host country. Developing countries 
1 h benefit from this ype of cooperation, 
derive m 
Prof. Adamec (Australia): The task definition for WG VI - 8 comprises staff 
interchange. Though valuable is, there may sometimes be constraints 
caused by a language barrier ferences in living conditions. And a 
frustrated educator will not be a good educator. 
Prof. Voilte (Netherlands) : Quite some comments were made on training centers 
for aerial surveying. We urgently need the same type for remote sensing. I 
may mention in addition to the paper of Dr. Abiodun that the European Associ- 
ation of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) tends to M Ontribpute 
Chairman Brandenberger (Canada) : We appreciated that Dr.Voüte read the paper 
from Dr.Abiodun as a type of last minute decision. The author and the reader 
enabled the Symposium to become updated with very latest developments, which 
is gratefully acknowledged. 
Prof.Brandenberger (Canada) : I understand from the paper of the United Nations 
Expert on Space E AE DC that a conference on information and documentation 
in remote sensing will be convened in autumn 1983. Do you happen to know more 
specific dates ? 
Prof. Voüte (Netherlands) : I am sorry, not at this moment, The idea for such 
a conference was born just four weeks ago. 
President Com.VI Hothmer (FR Germany): The Amer Society of Photogrammetry 
has produced under r the chairmanship of Dr. Donald T. Lauer two most valuable 
educational remote sensing films on "Mineral en and " Vegetation 
Mapping". Prof. Hildebrandt, outgone President Commission Vil ISP, agreed 
to prepare a German edition, and Louis Laidet, Preseident Commission VII ISPRS, 
and Maurice Carbonnell, Directeur de l'Ecole Nationale des Sciences G$o- 
graphiques, were available for a French edition, Unfortunately, these projects 
could not be materialized as yet due to lack of funds. I understand that ASP 
is to produce a Spanish edition. 
The Board of Commission VI was in sessionon 25 September 1982. The meeting 
agreed to 
1. Continue WG VI 9 and WG VI -9 accor given task definitions; 
2. Promote regional educational conferences; 
3, Encourage the continuing development of regional training centers.

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