Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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Pal Yash, Secretary-General of the Second United Nations Conference 
for the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space UNISPACE+82, 
June 1982 (oral communication). 
UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY 1982, The potential role of satellite remote 
sensing in socio-economic development. A perspective at the threshold 
of the Twenty-First Century, Conference Paper prepared for the Second 
United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of 
Outer Space, (cn press). ! 
Voüte C 1982, Satellite remote sensing for developing countries, prospects 
and constraints. EARSeL/ESA Symposium Satellite Remote Sensing for 
Developing Countries, 20-21 April 1982, Igls, Austria, in cooperation 
with the Austrian Solar and Space Agency (ASSA), ÉSA SP- 135" Agi 200 
UNITED NATIONS 1982, Draft Report of the Conference, Vienna, 9-21 August 
1982. Second United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful 
Uses of Outer Space, A/CONF.101/3 and Addendum 1, Distr. GENERAL, 
Matching remote sensing technologies and their applications 1981, 
Proceedings. Ninth Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing Society, 
University of London, 16-18 December 1981. 
The Promise of Remote Sensing. Symposium Digest, International Geoscience 
and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARRS'82), sponsored by the IEEE Geoscience 
and Remote Sensing Society, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, 
1-4 June 1932. 
Voüte C 1982, Space for Whom? FUTURES 14 (Special Space Issue), (in press). 
UNITED NATIONS 1981, Training and education of users of space technology, 
Background Paper prepared for the Second United Nations Conference on 
the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, A/CONF.101/BP/9. 
Distr. GENERAL, 
See also: d'Audretsch F C, Hempenius S A, Voüte C & Woldai T 1981, 
Education and training in remote sensing applications, ITC Journal 1981-2, 
Voûte C 1981, Training and education of users of space technology, 
EARSeL News No. 16, December 1981, 223-25. 
Voüte C 1982, Education and Training in Remote Sensing, Invited Review 
Paper presented at the 1982 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing 
Symposium (IGARRS'82) The Promise of Remote Sensing, sponsored by 
the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, Munich, Federal Republic 
of Germany, 1-4 June 1982, Symposium Digest, Paper FA-5/6, 1-9 
10. Norman J and Chukwu-Ike M 1977, The world is a bit cracked! Satellite 
pictures of the world are now revealing huge crustal fractures showing 
evidence of its past history and possible locations of minerals and 
thermal energy. New Scientist 10 February 1977, 320-322, 
Norman J W 1982, The Origin of Metals: a Speculation. Mining Magazine, 
March 1982, 226-229, 
Voüte C 1981, The Use of Remote Sensing for Geological Analysis. Primer 
Simposio Colombiano Sobre Sensores Remotos - CIAF, Bogotá, Colombia, 
27-51 July 1981, (in press), 
Voute 1o 

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