Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

no practical experience. The registered licensed surveyors perform mainly 
cadastral and property surveys for the purpose of registering of titles 
and valuation and is done using non-photogrammetric traditional methods 
using theodolite and chain. 
The main thrust of survey for development purposes is done entirely by 
photogrammetry/remote sensing methods, and detailed surveys in forested 
areas is done by a mix of both photogrammetry/remote sensing methods and 
more field verifications on ground. This is in addition to the urban surveys 
for town planning, route surveys for road and railways which is done using 
photogrammetric methods. Property boundaries for legel purpose is done 
by ground methods. It is clear when it comes to delienating boundaries 
on the ground we have to use ground methods. 
I have been fortunate to be involved with photogrammetry/remote sensing 
from almost the time of its introduction in Sri Lanka in the late 50's 
for development purposes and it is clear that, but for the role of photo- 
grammetry/remote sensing it would not have been possible to develop our 
country at the pace we are now developing. The main multi-purpose river 
valleys development schemes that have already been inaugurated includes 
the Mahaweli Project costing over $ 3,000 million (US) for construction, 
which is now being executed. Almost the entirety of photogrammetric map- 
ping was done locally, the main interpretation aspects of remote sensing 
aspects of integrating the different natural resources, was also mainly done lo- 
cally, with local and foreign experts, in all aspects of interpretation and 
field verifying and report writing for development. 
2.43 Staffing Requirements in Developing Countries 
I have attempted in Annex II, to show that the requirement of the different 
expertise and their numbers on an annual basis that has to be determined 
on a more rational basis, on current and immediate needs; as well as on 
a projected basis of development on a broad based plan for natural resources 
exploitation in order even to "guesstimate" the requirement of the dif- 
ferent experts over the years and cater to that requirement. 
The point I am trying to draw here is that it is not possible to give in 
ratio for the number of surveyors required for a number of inhabitants 
as it would depend on the levels and type of different expertise; the nature 
of the state of development of the country; the will for integrated long 
term development of the country, as well as the budget that the developing 
country could afford. As a general rule, if there could be worked out an 
approximate development plan, then it would be possible to work out the 
inputs of the different types of survey requirements and to cater to it. 
In addition since there are losses due to brain drain and other factors, 
this too has to be treated as a contingency and catered to 
* maintain the present state of the development, and 
* increase of staff to be trained and used on the basis of a general 
development plan. 
It is no doubt necessary to have a general idea of the survey requirements 
and to appraise the different governments in the different countries, as 
well as to be professional societies dealing with photogrammetry/remote 
sensing so as to cater to the need, to work towards this end. No doubt 
at the beginning it will be a "guesstimate" of the numbers of different 
experts required annually so that at last we have something to go by, where 
we have none today. 
Fernando 5 

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