Full text: Facing the future of scientific communication, education and professional aspects including research and development

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While we can get minimum standards of academic levels and extent of prac- 
tical experience, the registration and issuing a certificate of competence 
must depend on the qualitative judgement of the professional. There are 
basically four groups of competence at different levels. 
a) those given training in offices, workshops, factories, practical training; 
b) photogrammetry/remote sensing technicians, trained in Technical Training 
Institutes; : 
c) undergraduate professional training in universities or institutions 
leading to degree in photogrammetry and remote sensing; 
d) post graduate professional training in universities or post graduate 
institutions leading to higher degrees in photogrammetry and remote 
These four groups would have to be regrouped as there is the need to es- 
tablish levels of competency in relation to certain functions of high 
responsibility of which will have to: be reflected in membership of institu- 
tions with strict entry qualifications and a code of ethics. Therefore, 
it is suggested that an international institution be formed or the exist- 
ing ISPRS transformed to protect an regulate the profession with local 
chapters maintaining these high standards and promote the profession local- 
ly. The two major divisions suggested are 
* International Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing; and 
* Country Institutions of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, which are 
in fact recognised branches or local chapters of the International 
What must be emphasised here is that the level of competence and profes- 
sionals at the level of consulting and management requires a higher stand- 
ard and there must be the strictest control for entry to this grade. They 
should be persons, at levels of competence in comparable standards of 
professionals of the institution of chartered civil engineers, and those 
produced by the International Institute of Aerial Survey and Earth Science, 
if we truly have to increase the reputation of our profession in the several 
developing countries. 
The members of the international institutions should comprise fully fledged 
professional photogrammetrists/remote sensing experts who have attained 
the requisite academic qualifications and competence with sufficient ex- 
perience in the professions, e.g., 
* Ph.D. in Photogrammetry/Remote Sensing; 
* M.Sc. in Photogrammetry/Remote Sensing; 
* B.Sc. in Photogrammetry/Remote Sensing with, say 3 years experience 
in Photogrammetry/Remote Sensing. 
Regional or country representatives should comprise the governing body 
of the international institute, so as to regulate and direct policy and 
other related matters pertaining to the institute. The country insitution 
of photogrammetry and remote sensing should have two levels of members: 
* full members with voting rights and eligibility to office of the country 
institution, who are members of the international institutions; 
associates who are members with no voting rights or eligibility to 
Fernando 10

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