lated distances amd angles, taking into ac-
count the ship driving speed.
The final checking and determination
of the buoy coordinates was made by the di-
rect intersection with two theodolites
where the azimuth angles are read simulta-
neously. The error of buoy location was of
t 0.50 m, accuracy allowed by the designers
taking into account the river current and
the wind influence which may displace the
buoys during the determination.
The error registered at the marking
of the navigation channel was of x lm
and it does not influence the determina-
tion of drawing the convoy in the curve
( Fig.6).
The photograms processing was made
with four phototheodolites UMK 16/13 18/F
operating synchronoudy from the two bases
located so as each base may cover half a
curve in the position of normal photogra-
phing, deviated on the left and on the
right. The photography was made at 3 mi-
nutes each for three convoy passing along
the channel, namely two upstream passing
and one downstream passing, with a speed
of 8 km/h. The main purpose was to register
the convoy imagine as more centred as
possible on each photogram.
The photo-sensitive material used was
the aerial film JLFORD with a sensitivity of
24 DIN.
The bird's eye view of the photogram-
"metric images was shown in the photogra-
phic diagram of Fig. 7.
The stereomodel plotting was made by
ihe autograph ZEISS 1318, where the coordi-
nates of the base ends and the buoy ones
were used for the absolute orientation of
the model.
There were also placed fiducial
screens with known coordinates on the bank
for control.
The convoy position during photogra-
phing at the times settled in relation to
the buoys marking the navigation channel
may be seen in Fig. 8.
Depending on the coordinates of the
convoy ends and the buoys ones, there were
determined the distances of drawing in the
curve taking into account the buoy position
and the navigation channel banks.
The average error in determining the
coordinates was of mx = 0.90 m and my =
- * 0,76 m.
The value of convoy immersing was de-
termined by reading the levels of the two
ends of the convoy considering as datum le-
vel "O" the flat surface of ihe lake, non-
disturbed by the waves created by the con-
voy. The convoy immersing during its dis-
placement in the three passings along the
channel is shown in the diagram of Fig.9.
The phototheodolite was placed as for
an usual photographing having a base ratio
b/y as large as possible so as to get a
better accuracy of the stereoscopic measu-
rement. :
We consider admissible the relative
error of measuring the distance y
y <
As for the photogrammetric plotting
at an usual plotter y < - it results
that for the measurements considered we
have to meet the condition:
ls D... 1.
at dp, = + 0.01mm
and the local coefficient of the photo-
theodolite UMK 10/1318 it results that
de, id .
ee Y. Py 2000 to
Hence, in order to meet the condition
dy € loue
y 5 1000
in the case of photographing by UMK 10/1318 it
should have the expression:
The phototheodolite used in the synchro-
nous photographing had a focal coefficient of
99,27 m. These coefficients can not be record- the stereoautograph and we had to apply
the affine rectification.
At this rectification we used a new fo-
cal coefficient, obtaining by multiplying the
focal distance of the photographing photo-
theodolite by the coefficient u = 2.
The space-time representation by rectifi-
cation at the autograph was made at the scale
of 1:2000depending on the stereo-models at the
scale of 1:2000 and 1:5000.
For & correct plotting in the plane xy it
was necessary a reduction on the direction y
by the coefficient 1/n = 1/2