Wiz mn : | (23)
tetes RI
9 NAvivi
The acceptance interval for Ws is then
1 1
MFR 30319 )é Se E qd22^91,0)25; | (24)
0 1 0
where a, is the type I error size for the test criterion Ws.
The significance level a for the test of individual residuals (23) is dependent
on the significance level ao of the global test (13). Baarda harmonizes a with a,
by putting 8 (3p) = 8(31), i.e. by using equal type II error sizes for the global
test and the individual test. For the relations between a and a, see the nomograms
in /3/, pp. 21-23. As far as the author could understand this, the harmonizing
between o and a, Was based on the assumption that the single events wj are inde-
pendent on each other. Hence a mostly reliable system is required for an effec-
tive application of the data-snooping technique; otherwise the danger of false
inference is too great. At least we have to exclude those observations from the
test procedure - or better: we have to change the network arrangement in a way
that those observations don't occur - which are correlating too much with others.
This is valid especially for "spur" observations, i.e. for observations which
lead to Ov = 0 (zero variance problem), since in the extreme case of spur obser-
vations the test criterion Wi= $ is not defined.
In. (21) yi UU was denoted as an individua] reliability indicator. The amount for
the computation of all individual Nj = Pi9vjv; (if P is diagonal and if only one
gross error is assumed) may sometimes prevent of individual computations. However
we are able to make some statements on the global reliability of a system (see
FPorstnep /7/,0Gȟm /11/, Pope /17/).
In Grün /11/ the average diagonal term of Qyy was proposed to serve as global.
reliability indicator: b
RI(T) = in) == : (25a)
2tr (Ql) 2tr (QJ)
RI(x')s 77 9 RI(S) * — 7 ‘ (25b) V
r = redundancy, n'= number of observations
Of course global reliability indicators can be constructed which do more refer to
the "external" reliability (Baarda /3/), that means to the effect of gross errors
upon the final product of the adjustment - the object point coordinates. Those
would correspond even more with the following accuracy indicators. But here the
term "reliability" should be stronger connected with the detection than with the
effect of gross errors. tr(Q,
An analogous global accuracy indicator would be —A Te yet we use the average
standard deviations of the point coordinates (with gi" 1):
tr (ax)
AI(T) = ca , k = number of points, including (26a)
the control points
tr (fax,
AI(X) sr aol