Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

near hypothesis (29). 
Here a bivariate test criterion is derived, which can be applied if two additio- 
nal parameters are highly correlating. 
| The null-hypothesis is formulated as 
Ho ]'dz = d2° (42) 
2.2:2,1 852.4 
á Suppose dz' = O and dz! = (dz, dz, ), then T results in 
1 q 9.2.31 Lat 
A A 23123 Zi ; 
Fou (A 4 1 UE ^: (43) 
o qd7Kk21i Qzkzk dz, . { 
The application of various test criterions and a possible strategy for additional 
| parameter rejection was demonstrated in Grün /10/ with the use of a practical 
aerial triangulation example. Because of the extension ofaerial triangulation í 
| systems one has to work with some neglectings concerning the application of com- 
pletely rigid statistical tests; thus the concept of a-posteriori orthogonaliza- 
tion of the whole system is hardly to realize. However, close-range systems opena 
wide and interesting field of application of sophisticated statistical tests. So 
this subejct should be a main objective for further studies. 
2. Significance testing of residuals at check points and control points 
It is a widespread and useful procedure in empirical accuracy studies to compare 
the set of coordinates of a photogrammetric adjustment with their "true" values, 
mostly obtained by more precise observation methods. Then the r.m.s. values of 
the residuals serve as absolute accuracy measures to check the photogrammetri - 
cally achieved accuracy. é 
If we denote the estimated residual vectors at check points as 
^T ^ ^ 
AX z (AX 9 SAX ) E 
1 PL : ; 
^T A ^ PL = number of planimetric 
AY 5x (AY, > >AYp, ) ; check points (44) v, 
oT °° S $ pz = number of height 
AN (421, + 38Zp7) , check points 
with the components 
2] J, 8p 
A S '4Ph } ; iL: 
M qe m Murus Kk buo ips 
AS. z Ys = poe ’ &Ph, yPh, ZPh = estimated photogramme - (45) 
A A tric coordinates 
AZ = 7° - 27 S S S 
k k k , X> oY iy 2 = "true" coordinates 
then the r.m.s. values are defined as 
A A 
A2 = AX TAX ne i AY TAY ^e A212 
T , MN 9 H e TECTUM , 
X iiL que PL b sz (46) 
^2 ^2 

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