Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

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dx = vector of coordinates belonging together in period I and II 
to be jointly tested. 
The test criterion T results in 
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R = (dX; -dX,,-w) (B Q, B ) (dX, -dX;,-w) : (58) 
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Q eX joint weight coefficient matrix of the point coordinates to 
be tested 
Mostly w = 0 has to be chosen (especially if equal approximate values are used) 
Again each admissible sub-hypothesis can be tested. Here it becomes particularly 
important to test for significant deformations at individual points or even at 
special coordinates of individual points. After all what has been shown before 
it should be an easy exercise to derive those special null-hypotheses and the 
corresponding test criterions. 
0n account of the purpose of deformation studies it becomes very important in 
this case to apply correct confidence intervals. Hence the a-posteriori orthogo- 
nalization is an indispensable demand to eliminate the disturbing effects of 
high correlations. 
E. Concluding remarks 
The relatively small extension of the linear equations of close-range systems 
often enables the application of sophisticated linear models, estimation proce- 
dures and statistical techniques. This fact should be utilized more than it was 
done by now to obtain best possible results with respect to accuracy and relia- 
bility. Like in aerial triangulation systems the self-calibrating bundle method 
can provide for significant model improvements and thus for remarkable accuracy 
enhancements, if suitable and highly developed additional parameter sets are 
applied, as presented in this paper with the concept of orthogonal bivariate po- 
lynomials. Practical experiences with aerial triangulation systems show however, 
that the functional extension of a bundle model by additional parameters must be 
attended by comprehensive statistical test procedures to protect against over- 
parametrization. Actually statistical methods should find more attention in close- 
range applications, especially for test field analysis and in deformation measure- 
A really virgin area but nevertheless a very important subject in close-range

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