Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

resembles the docking procedure inasmuch as 
the alignment gear is located almost on 
centerline at the tank top and main deck 
c) all points are weighted equally in the 
longitudinal sense so that an overall 
best-fit in this direction is achieved Fit in the Plane of the Join 
As immediate product of the above 
described transformation is the 
point-by-point difference between 
o corresponding points in the mating 
faces of the ship halves. A graphical 
display of the numerical differences, 
as shown in Figure 17 depicts the fit-up 
which is likely to occur in the plane 
of the join. 
Although there are no targetted 
points on the rolled surfaces which exactly 
correspond to one another (foreward to 
after ends), fit-up of the rolled surfaces 
is nonetheless easily visualized. One 
way in which this is accomplished is by 
plotting the coordinates of points on one 
rolled surface and then the transformed 
coordinates of points on the mating surface 
on the same graph, preferably at a very 
large scale such as 1" » 2" or 1" - 4". 
Best-fit circular arcs are then passed 

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