Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

In 1967, in Kobe harbour, ship positions in sailing were 
determined by photogrammetric method : terrestrial method and aerial 
methoi. Two P30 phototheodolites in the terrestrial photogrammetry 
were used for taking the successive photos each 6 seconds. In the 
same year from fixed points on the beach placed two phototheodolites, 
the positions of a ship, on which the instruments of seismic reflection 
recorder are carried. 
The year 1967 was the first year in Japan when the Terrestrial 
photogrammetry was applied to the traffic accident surveying with the 
short-range photogrammetry. As a result, the specially designed cars to 
carry the stereo-camera mechanized with the automatic function have been 
popularly used among the accident management centers belonged to national 
police and all local police headquarters in which police men stay whole 
day and night and deal with the all kind of works related to the accidents 
including the stereo-photographing works in urgent case. There are all 
3000 police men working there totally in whole Japan. Nowadays this 
management techniques have been extended to apply not only for the traffic 
accident sites but also the criminal sites and many works related to the 
police business. As of the 1975 calender year, there are 275 stereocameras 
and 66 plotting machines belonging to the police stations. 
The body measurement of human being has been doing extensively 
fram the needs of various kinds of fields such as human being engineering, 
cloth design field, anatomy field and so on, not only using the photo- 
grammetric method but also the moiré topography, holographic method. As 
you all know, Prof. Takazaki, originator of moirétopography, has succeeded 
the technique for visualizing contour lines in situ on an object and its 
extended application on an object with large size and depth. 
Several applications in the field of medical and industrial 
engineering were discussed exclusively at the 14th Japan Annual Meeting of 
the Medical Engineering Society in 1975 on the boundary problems between 
medical and engineering fields 
The terrestrial photogrammetric techniques were also effectively 
used for the model test for civil and architectural engineering field such 
as plastic buckling test of catching I-beam flange and web behaviour under 
loading (refer to the Invited Paper of ISP 1968 " Short Range Photogrammetry 
of Objects in Motion ") and the model test of suspension roof deformation of 
the indoor stadium catching the roof behavious under the various load con- 
ditions. The model test of the Taiseki Temple by photogrammetric techniques 
controlled for the measurement of deformation under the various loading 
conditions and earthquake conditions. The two SMK-120 stereo-cameras were 
used for analytical short-range pbotogrammetry. 
On the way of applying actually this terrestrial photogrammetry, 
many hardware such as specially designed devices for storing the input data 
and data processing instruments have been developed and also a series of 
system for analyzing the images has been established. : 
§ 3 Several Problems on the Way to develop Industrial Photogrammetry 
In the Helsinki Congress, the author has remarked on the several 
examples of new development of industrial photogrammetry in our country 
such as analytical short-ramge photogrammetry for the measurement of a tire 
rotating at high speed, measurement of subsidence of the launching ways at 

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