Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

Ryszard J Pryputniewicz 
Wallace W Bowley 
The University of Connecticut 
Turbine airfoil deflections in three-coordi- 
nate directions were measured using the meth- 
od of hologram interferometry.  Holographie 
interferograms, depicting the displacemerts of 
turbine blades loaded in a specially designed 
test stand, have been recorded using double- 
exposure hologram interferometry. The param- 
eters obtained during multiple observations 
of virtual images reconstrueted from the holo- 
grams were analyzed, using computer, to obtain 
the displacement patterns for the tested air- 
foil. This paper describes the test facili- 
ties and experimental procedures, and pre- 
sents experimental results. Some of the holo- 
graphically determined deflections were com- 
pared with the theoretical results obtained 
from finite element analysis of the tested 
airfoils. The agreement was very good. 
Study of turbine airfoil deflections is a con- 
tinuous problem in the testing and development 
of today's sophistieated jet engines.  Pre- 
sently, such analysis is usually carried out 
on a scaled up model of a blade using dial 
indicators or strain gauges. This approach, 
however, is very troublesome because of the 
inherent limitations of these devices. 
To circumvent the limitations of mechanical 
devices, recent developments in the field of 
hologram interferometry were utilized, in the 
present study, to analyze turbine blade de- 
fleetions resulting from static loads. ^A spe- 
cial test stand was designed and constructed. 
This test stand was capable of delivering 
tensile, bending, and torsion loads one at a 
time, independent of each other, and any 
combination of the above mentioned loads. 
Double-exposure holograms were used to record 
deflections of the blade corresponding to the 
applied load. These holograms, upon recon- 
struction, provided rapid, full surface in- 
spection capability which led to quick iden- 
tification of areas of large deformations and 
hence high stress concentrations. 
Every hologram for each loading condition was 
analyzed using the least-squares theory of 
holographic displacement analysis [1-4] and 
computer program [3] developed for solution 
of the governing equations of this theory. 
In this study, two airfoils with different 
aspect ratios (airfoil aspect ratio = length 
of the airfoil/average cord) were studied. 
These airfoils were: (i) an airfoil with high 
aspect ratio and (+4) an airfoil with low as- 
pect ratio, from now on referred to as air- 
foil No. 1 and airfoil No. 2, respectively. 
Double-Exposure Holography 
A method of double-exposure hologram inter- 
ferometry was used to determine deflections 
of the blade. In this method, two consecutive 
positions of the blade were pecorded on the 
same photographic plate. The surface of the 
blade was deformed between the two exposures. 
Upon reconstruction of the hologram, two 
three-dimensional images of the blade were 
formed. Since both reconstructed images ap- 
peared in coherent light and existed in ap- 
proximately the same loeations in space, they 
interfered with each other and produced a set 
of bright and dark interference fringes over- 
lying the reconstrueted image. ALT of the 
information about the blade's motion was 
stored in this fringe pattern. Obviously, a 
unique deformation of a blade, for a given 
illumination and observation, did produce a 
unique three-dimensional interferogram, with- 
in a hologram reconstruction, from which the 
deflections of the blade were determined. 
Experimental Apparatus and Procedure 
Experiments were carried out using a continu- 
ous-wave laser holographie system, shown in 
Fig. 1. Components of the experimental Setup 
were supported on a 1.8 m x 2.5 m flat opti- 
cal table with air suspension!, and the il- 
lumination for both recording and reconstruc- 
tion of holograms was provided by a He-Ne 
laser?. All holograms were recorded using 
high resolution holographic plates?®. 
Turbine blade was placed in a special test 
stand, see Figs 1 and 2, which was designed 
to deliver three loading modes: (i) tension, 
(11) bending, and (111) torsion; the blade 
could be loaded in any of the modes individ- 
ually or.in eombination, e. g., applying 
tension and torsion simultaneously. Both, 
tension and bending were applied by pistons, 
motion of which was controlled by carefully 
adjusting flow of gas from a high pressure 
reservoir. Finally, torsion was produced by 
applying equal and opposite forces at the ex- 
Manufactured by Newport Research Corp., 
Fountain Valley, California. 
Manufactured by American Optical Corp., 
Keene, New Hampshire. 
3 Type 10E75. 102 mm x 127 mm, Agfa-Gevaert, 
Antwerp, Belgium. 

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