Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

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used depends on the type of camera. It serves primarily to prevent 
extraneous marginal light from entering the unit. 
- The lens, a new type with a focal length of 207 mm, has a fixed 
f/8 aperture, and exhibits optimum colour correction for black- 
and-white and colour and negligible distorsion. The lens does not 
incorporate a shutter. Exposure is controlled in the UT ] by switch- 
ing the lamp on and off. 
- The high-precision reflecting mirror with mount. 
- The stage plate for the transformed photograph with four adjusta- 
ble stops along two format edges for fine framing of the cut-film 
or the photographic glass plate. Framing is checked on a matt 
Screen of the same format as that of the material used for image 
transformation: 13/18 cm, 18/24 cm, 24/24 cm. 
Depending on the camera and the format of the film or plate used 
for transformation, there are various intermediate straight-edges 
and brackets to ensure rapid positioning of the photosensitive 
- The cover with pressure plate. When the unit is closed the photo- 
graphic material is pressed against the glass stage by a series of 
Spring plungers. If transformation is carried out on cut-film, the 
film is held flat by the matt screen. 
Any commercial timer can be connected to the 75 W lamp to control the 
exposure time. The Philips model PDC 011 has been selected for the 
UT 1. 
Version with colour head 
For extensive colour work and also for black-and-white work, there is 
an adapter for the commercial DURST CLS 450 colour head. It permits 
continuous mixing of the primary colours yellow, magenta and cyan. 
The adaptation to the standard UT 1 can be carried out after delivery. 
Naturally, the standard version of the UT 1 also permits occasional 
colour work. The gelatine filters required for this purpose (Kodak 
CP Color Printing filters) are inserted in the filter cassette of the 
UT 1. The UT 1 colour version greatly facilitates operations since 
continuous mixing eliminates the need for handling a number of gela- 
tin filters. 
The combination of materials and processes shown below is of special 
interest in colour work as it ensures a.0. maximum dimensional stabi- 
Photograph (e.g. with Wild P 31 f 
onto Kodak Ektacolor Print 4109 cut-film, Estar base, C-22 developing 
= 4,5 cm) on Kodak Vericolor II S or 
L colour-negative cut-film, Estar (polyester) base, image transformation 

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