Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

Geometrical accuracy and image quality 
If the plane of the original photograph is taken as reference, the 
total distorsion produced by the UT 1 is at maximum dx = dy = + 5 um 
in the image corners. This value refers to image transformation onto 
diapositive glass plate (Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot Dia C) from a grid 
plate (25 measured points). 
The AWAR resolution is better than 90 Lp/mm, for test targets with 
high contrast log. 2.0, also referred to the plane of the original, 
with transformation onto Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot Dia C PE film. 
Some technical data 
Original image format horizontal: max. 120 mm 
vertical: max 115 mm 
Transformed plate/film format max. 10 in. x 10 in. 
(25,4 cm x 25,4 cm) 
Nominal enlargement factor fixed 2 
Lens f = 207 mu, 7/8 
Illumination standard: 
75 M opal incandescent lamp, 
220/110 V AC 
Durst CLS 450 colour head, 
(250 W halogen lamp) with 
Wild adapter 
Timer Philips PDC 011, O to 99 sec. 
(all commercial models) 220/110 V AC 
Dimensions width: 40 cm 
depth: 62 cm 
standard version: 82/102 cm 
colour version: 92/112 cm 
Weight standard version: approx. 55 kg 
timer: 0.5 kg 
colour version: approx. 69 kg 
Durst transformer: 6.8 kg 

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