Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

A. Basic Traster 
The basic Traster is composed of three subassemblies which are 
integrated into a single apparatus: 
~ photo stage comparment 
- display and control console 
- electronics and data processing comparments 
The instrument precision does not depend on mechanical couplings 
between the subassemblies. Functional links are exclusively by 
6, E electrical interfaces. Nevertheless, the distinction between 
the various subassemblies is not apparent to the user. The 
TRASTER has been designed to be as compact and as integrated as 
possible. There are no conventional computer racks which 
usually accompany such instruments. This results from a concern 
6 a for aesthetics, space saving considerations, and comfort for the 
operator, who has access to all elements necessary for using the 
TRASTER without moving from his work station. 
Operator comfort, in our opinion, must be a basic consideration 
in the future of photogrammetric equipment design. The cost 
effectiveness of an instrument depends not only on how rapidly 
individual spatial positions may be established but also on the 
number of such positions which are established during a normal 
work day. Since the operator must be interactive with the instru- 
ment in order to establish each position, his comfort is critical 
to the overall productivity of the instrument. 
. Photo stage compartment 
The photo stage compartment is located behind the viewing screen. 
The stage assemblies are fabricated almost entirely of granite 
a and glass to assure homogeneous coefficients of expansion and 
© 4 thereby permit the use of the instrument in normal room tempera- 
ture conditions while maintaining "micrometer" accuracy. This is 
an essential quality for the mobile stages to fulfill in order to 
assure instrumental precision of the same order as the best stereo- 
Mounted on adjustable feet on the metal frame of the compartments 
is a granite surface plate over which two glass plates travel on 
air bearings. Each glass plate provides a support for one of the 
photographs. The plates are grooved around the edge to provide a 
vacuum hold down for glass plates or film. X and Y travel of the 
photo carrier is provided by two motor driven lead screws. The 
travel is measured by two crossed linear optical rules which conform 
to Abbe's principle and have a measuring resolution of 1 micrometer. 
"T 4 
Two condensors are mounted on the granite surface plate. They per- 
mit illumination of the area of exposure being viewed, and define 
the two optical observation centers. Separate lamps to illuminate 
each exposure and its associated cooling system are mounted under 
the granite surface plate. A granite beam fixed to the main table 
supports the projection lens assemblies, the reflecting mirrors 
and polarizing filters, the semi transparent mirror for combining 
the images and the high definition rear projection screen. 

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