Full text: Photogrammetry for industry

- d. 
Taking all informations into consideration to be processed in 
the calibration adjustment procedure we will have to deal with 
the following mathematical model: 
1. Collinearity equations for image coordinates X14» Yı3z: see 
/1/, equation (1) - (11) with the set of calibration data: 
€, Xy!» Vy for interior orientation and the parameters C1 of 
calibration functions (f. i. after BROWN/CONRADY). 
2. The camera station belongs to the testfield. see /1/, equa- 
tions (14) - (18) with 
- testfield coordinate vector 
X - projection centre of image J 
=pZ, J 
Rj - Orientation matrix of image j 
e! - vector of excentricity between vertical axis of 
theodolite x  @nd projection centre. 
3, Readings of the orientation angles. see /1/, equation 
(19) - (20) with 
War 37 readings of orientation angles at the phototheo- 
: dolite for image j 
2 - orientation angles of image J as defined in 
equation (10) 
& - vector of excentricity between the two different 
systems of angles. 
4, Tie conditions for the projection centres of consecutive 
images. see /1/, equation (21). 
After thoroughly estimating the standard errors a priori for 
the observed quantities, see /1/, tab. 1, we finally achieve the 
following system of error equations, see /1/, tab. 2, where A 
is the design matrix, v the vector of random errors, and 1 the 
vector of constant terms. On eloser inspection you will miss 
the equations of type 3. Due to instrumental difficulties we 

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