The DZT:90x120°can be used as
plotting machines,
. manually operazed plotting table for the preparation
Of map sheets and for drawing simple sketches, and
. off-line system feeding on data supplied by magnetic
tape Or external computer,
. On-line plotting table in connection with all Jena
Ag part of the CASP system, the DZT is operated in the
last-named mode.
Ai-M16 Microcomputer
The Ai-M46 microcomputer of Ai Electronics Corp., Japan,
has 2 word lenzth of.16 hit and an internal gtorazs
capacity of 512 EK byte, Peripheral memory units include
a 75 M.byte hard dise drive and.a 1.M byte.flOoppy dise
drive, The dialog with the system is conducted through
an alphanumerioal keyboard and a CRT display unit.
The digitizer made by Mutoh Engineering, Japan, has a
table size of 1000 mm x 1200 mm, It has an areal measuring
system with a resolution of 0.025 mm, Measurement and
digitization of the drawing are by moving a cursor,
Interface box
The interface box, Dil: by Sankel Engineering, Japan,
links the measuring machine to the computer. It has four
coordinate counters with preselector switches and digital
displays. Data transfer to the microcomputer is released
with a pedal switch. An additional keyboard is provided
Por entering frequently recurring commands into the com-
puter, Fig. 3 shows view of the system hardware.
Below, the graphics software of the CASP system is described
by its program commands and data structure, Programs are
available in PASIC and TORTRAN 77 languages,
Program commands
1, Plotting eommands
During plotting, the Operator has several modes at his
P Plotting of points, marking by symbols or alpha-numeric
I Straight-line connection of points measured
T Plotting of curves; drafting tool synchronously follows
floating mark movements
M Generation of about 3,500 Chinese, Japanese or Latin
ON Orientation of plotting table, i. e. transformation
from model to map coordinate Syst en
D Deletion