Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A2)

Practical experiences in the automatic plotting from dif- 
ferent image material with the profile store show that 
one succeeds in drastically reducing the number of corre- 
lation failures. The number of the remaining correlation 
failures per stereomodel lies between O0 and about 5 
depending on the image material and the terrain shape. 
In on-line differential rectification with terrain cross 
slope correction the mismatches in the orthophoto as they 
occur in the case of terrain cross slope are on an average 
reduced by a factor of 3. This process requires an off set 
(eccentric) slit diaphragm, so that the maximally possible 
x Step width in this technique is 8 mm, 
The simple operation of the instrument system does not 
set standards of qualifi cation going far beyond those of 
photogr mmetrio plotting, The large range of applicati ion 
and the high working produ 1ctivity characterize the 
equipment system as a universal system which to a 
degree meets the requirement of automation and econ 
D - ORTHOPHOT E, an equipment system for on- 
ine differential rectification 
and applicabilities 
T system has been d lding block 
consists of the TOP ter, 
ORTE S differential rectifi table, 
Through the | incorporated Cross terrain 
cross slope is simultaneously taken into ERR 
in on-line rectification. 
The Cross Slope Corrector E has been designed as electronic 
analogue computer and ascertains the swing angle and the 
magnification correction for the optical image transfer 
system in differential rectification under consideration 
of the terrain cross slope, The ascertained values are fed 
into the correction regulating circuits on the Schmidt prism 
for image rotation and on the magnification system for scale 
correction, In this way the system errors of differential 
rectification (double imagery , gaps and mismatches) are 
corrected in the orthophoto. Hence, rectification can be 
made with larger slit width and working productivity con- 
siderably be increased. 
An even ‚more universal equipment system is achieved, when 
an additional digital control unit with an appropriate in- 
nos t is periphery is connected. It is then possible to 
carry out double model orthophoto Broducttons and repetitive 
reciifications in off-line operation. Thanks to this ex- 
pansion capab {lity on the basis of the quanti ty-produced 
TOPOCART D stereoplotter an extremely efficient and economic 
equipment system has been implemented for the restitution 
of normal wide and super-wide-angle photographs. 
The TOPOCART D —- ORTHOPHOT E equipment system is suitable 
for the orthophoto production as well zs the universal 
graphical and . numerical restitution of photographs of all 

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