Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A2)

are made with the CONT program of the TOPAS program 
paekage and the DZT 90 x 120. 
= Provision of an additional digital output for the direct 
connection of a digital drawing table (e.g. DZT 90x120) 
or of an electronic recording instrument (e.g. COORDIMETER 
H). ve. 
The functional characteristics of the preceding instruments 
of ORTHOPHOT E were retained. These characteristics also 
largely apply to TOPOMAT Be 
Because of the consideration of the terrain cross slope in 
on-line differential rectification orthophotos are produced 
in less time with a better visual impression of the ortho- 
The mismatches remaining at the slit edges with use of the 
cross slope corrector are reduced by the factor of 3 com- 
pared with the operating mode without cross slope correction. 
Since further accessories can be connected the equipment 
system is flexible and expandable. For stereoorthophoto 
production the tilt calculator's transformation gear is con- 
nected between ORTHOPHOT and TOPCCART. 
Simultaneously with the manual or automatic z guidance the 
X model coordinate is shifted by the tilt caloulator in 
dependence on the b /z base ratio. This shift corresponds 
to artificial horizóntal parallaxes in ihe stereomate, 
By connecting a digital control unit with an input-output 
periphery to the equipment system this becomes also appli- 
cable for off-line differential rectification, The conirol 
data for the automatic control of the rectification process 
are ascertained by. the programs BEST (from profile data 
gained with on-line rectification) and DETO (from digital 
terrain models). 
3e IOPAS - program system for the automatic differential 
3,1, Structure and ayplicabilities 
The program package TOPAS (TOPOCART-ORTHOPHOT program system 
for analytical control data calculation) serves for the 
calculation of control data for an off-line differential 
rectification process and for the automatic contour line 
drawing from digitally stored height data of the terrain 
to be mapped. It is written in FORTRAN IV and designed for 
minicomputer with a usable main storage capacity of 64 Xbyte,. 
TOPAS consists of the DETO, CONT, BIDI programs and the data 
bank modules (SERV, READ, OUTP, TRAN, EDIT required for 
the generation and updating of the data bank, 
Basis for the calculation of off-line control data are files 
of the TOPAS data bank, which contain the digital height 
model of the working area (Fig. 2). 
The primary data required for the generation of the TCPAS 
data bank can be derived from the following sources: 
- Stereoplotting from photographs with digital recording 
(profiles, contour-lines, single points arranged in an 
array or irregularly). 

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